![]() |
Classes | |
struct | DataOrder |
class | DataSelector |
Tool for selecting datasets based on paths, quantities and min/max elevations. More... | |
class | DatasetSelector |
class | AndreOp |
The base class for detector and removal operators. More... | |
class | AttenuationOp |
Computes attenuation caused by precipitation. More... | |
class | BiometOp |
Detects birds and insects. More... | |
class | GliderOp |
class | BirdOp |
class | InsectOp |
class | CCorOp |
class | ClutterOp |
Based on pre-computed clutter map, scales the clutter probability for desired sweeps. More... | |
class | DamperOp |
class | DetectorOp |
Base class for anomaly detectors. More... | |
class | DopplerNoiseOp |
Detects suspicious variance in Doppler speed (VRAD). More... | |
class | EmitterOp |
A quick emitter detection based on subtracting horizontal window medians by vertical ones. More... | |
class | GapFillOpBase |
The base class for operators removing detected anomalies by overriding low-quality pixels with neighboring high-quality pixels.". More... | |
class | GapFillOp |
A simple gap filler based on distance transformation. More... | |
class | GapFillRecOp |
Recursive, 'splinic' gap filler based on fast averaging. More... | |
class | HydroClassBasedOp |
Sets probabilities of non-meteorological echoes based on precomputed hydrometeor classification. More... | |
class | JammingOp |
A detector for widespread electromagnetic interference. More... | |
class | LineOp |
Quick emitter detection based on subtracting a horizontal segment lengths by inversed vertical segment lengths. More... | |
class | NonMetOp |
Marks bins with low RhoHV value as probable anomalies. More... | |
class | DefaultOp |
Simply, "detects" precipitation ie sets its probability. More... | |
class | PrecipOp |
Simply, "detects" precipitation ie sets its probability. More... | |
class | DataMarker |
Simple class marking true data with a given constant value, typically a CLASS label. More... | |
class | QualityCombinerOp |
A quick QualityCombiner . More... | |
class | RemoverOp |
The simplest possible anomaly removal operator and the base class for more complex ones. More... | |
class | ShipOp |
Detects ships. More... | |
class | SpeckleOp |
class | SunOp |
Detects birds and insects. More... | |
class | TestOp |
class | TimeOp |
A radio interference detector. More... | |
class | ZDRvarOp |
class | CartesianODIM |
Metadata structure for Cartesian radar data products (single-radar or composites). More... | |
struct | DataType |
Container that couples together a tree structure and a data array (drain::image::Image), according to source type (const or non-const) . More... | |
struct | SrcType |
Read-only data type. More... | |
struct | DstType |
Writable data type. More... | |
class | TreeWrapper |
Base class for all kinds of radar data. More... | |
class | RootData |
Experimental structure, designed only for accessing root level metadata. More... | |
class | PlainData |
Essential class for storing radar data. More... | |
class | DataGroup |
A map of "data type" group_t (DATA or QUALITY) where the data can be retrieved using quantity keys (strings). More... | |
class | QualityDataSupport |
Base class providing quality support for Dataand DataSet More... | |
class | Data |
Data structure consisting of plain data and an optional quality data. More... | |
class | DataSet |
A map of radar data, indexed by quantity code (DBZH, VRAD, etc). More... | |
class | DataSetMap |
class | DataSetList |
class | DataCoder |
Converts ODIM encoded data (with markers) to natural values and backwards. More... | |
class | DataTools |
Tool for selecting datasets based on paths, quantities and min/max elevations. More... | |
class | EncodingODIM |
Structure for data storage type, scaling and marker codes. Does not contain quantity. More... | |
class | ODIM |
ODIM metadata (quantity, gain, offset, undetect, nodata, date, time) More... | |
class | ODIMPathElem |
struct | ODIMPathLess |
class | ODIMPathElem2 |
struct | ODIMPathLessTime |
struct | ODIMPathLessElangle |
class | ODIMPathElemMatcher |
Element in a chain in testing a path for a match. More... | |
class | ODIMPathMatcher |
Structure for testing if a path matches a given sequence of path elements. More... | |
class | ODIMPathTools |
Tool for selecting datasets based on paths, quantities and min/max elevations. More... | |
class | ODIMNodeValidator |
class | ODIMValidator |
class | PolarODIM |
Metadata structure for single-radar data (polar scans, volumes and products). More... | |
class | ProductConf |
Shared properties for meteorological products and Cartesian products (composites and single-radar images) More... | |
class | Quantity |
Structure for defining. More... | |
class | QuantityMap |
class | SourceODIM |
class | VariableFormatterODIM |
Formats variables to output stream. More... | |
class | VerticalCrossSectionODIM |
class | VerticalProfileODIM |
class | RhiODIM |
class | ExtAndreOp |
Base class for radar data processors. More... | |
class | ExtDopplerOp |
Base class for radar data processors. More... | |
class | ExtRackOp |
Base class for radar data processors. More... | |
class | ShipFastOp |
Detects ships. More... | |
class | PolarSite |
class | PolarPlot |
class | PolarPlotFile |
class | PolarAdd |
class | PolarAddWeighted |
class | PolarExtract |
struct | AccumulationSection |
class | AccumulationModule |
class | AnDReDefaultQuality |
Set the default quality [0.0,1.0] of radar data, typically close to 0.9. More... | |
class | AnDReUniversal |
class | AnDReCommand |
class | DetectorCommand |
class | DetectorInstaller |
class | RemoverInstaller |
struct | AnDReSection |
class | AnDReModule |
class | CompositeAdd |
Creates a single-radar Cartesian data set (2D data of both quantity and quality). More... | |
class | CompositeAddWeighted |
class | CartesianBBox |
class | CartesianBBoxReset |
class | CartesianBBoxTest |
class | CartesianBBoxTile |
class | CartesianCreate |
Creates a single-radar Cartesian data set (2D data of both quantity and quality). More... | |
class | CompositeCreateTile |
class | CartesianRange |
class | CartesianCreateLookup |
Creates a single-radar Cartesian data set (2D data of both quantity and quality). More... | |
class | CartesianReset |
Creates a single-radar Cartesian data set (2D data of both quantity and quality). More... | |
class | CartesianExtract |
class | CartesianSun |
Creates a single-radar Cartesian data set (2D data of both quantity and quality). More... | |
class | CartesianGrid |
class | CartesianOpticalFlow |
class | CartesianPlot |
class | CartesianPlotFile |
class | CartesianSpread |
class | CartesianProj |
First, commands applicable in any Cartesian product generation, not only radar compositeing. More... | |
class | CartesianSize |
class | CartesianTime |
class | CartesianInit |
class | CompositeMethod |
Commands (more) related to radar composites. More... | |
class | CompositeDefaultQuality |
class | CompositeTimeDecay |
class | CompositeDecayTime |
half-time in minutes More... | |
struct | CartesianSection |
class | CartesianModule |
drain::Commands for conversions to Cartesian coordinate system, including radar image composites. More... | |
class | EncodingBag |
Utility. Consider long names, and then addShortKeys() More... | |
class | CmdBaseSelective |
class | CmdSelect |
Select parts of hierarchical data using path, quantity, elevation angle and PRF mode as selection criteria. More... | |
class | CmdSelectQuantity |
Tool for selecting data for next command(s), based on paths, quantities and elevations. More... | |
class | CmdSet |
Modifies metadata (data attributes). More... | |
class | CmdConvert |
Convert data with desired encoding. More... | |
class | CmdCreateDefaultQuality |
class | CmdDelete |
Remove parts of a hierarchical data structure. More... | |
class | CmdKeep |
Remove parts of a hierarchical data structure. More... | |
class | CmdMove |
Rename or move data groups and attributes. More... | |
class | CmdRename |
class | CmdCompleteODIM |
Ensure correct ODIM types after setting attributes. More... | |
class | CmdODIM |
class | CmdSetODIM |
Modifies metadata (data attributes). More... | |
class | CmdDumpMap |
class | CmdHelpExample |
class | CmdJSON |
Explain.. More... | |
class | CmdEcho |
class | CmdFormat |
"Overrides" drain::CmdFormat More... | |
class | CmdFormatOut |
class | CmdEncoding |
Facility for validating and storing desired technical (non-meteorological) user parameters. More... | |
class | CmdErrorFlags |
class | UndetectWeight |
class | CmdCheckType |
Default handler for requests without own handler. Handles options that are recognized as 1) files to be read or 2) ODIM properties to be assigned in current H5 structure. More... | |
class | CmdValidate |
class | CmdVersion |
class | OutputDataVerbosityOLD |
class | CmdAppend |
class | CmdStore |
class | CmdQuantityConf |
struct | VerboseCmd |
class | CmdExpandVariables2 |
class | CmdInputFilter |
class | CmdPause |
class | CmdTest2 |
class | CmdHdf5Test |
class | MainModule |
class | HiddenModule |
class | Compositor |
class | typeIsFundamental |
struct | HistEntry |
class | CmdHistogram |
TODO: generalize to array outfile. More... | |
class | CmdGeoTiff |
class | H5HTMLextractor |
class | CmdInputPrefix |
A debugging facility. Obsolete? More... | |
class | CmdInputFile |
Input HDF5, PNG or text file. More... | |
class | CmdInputSelect |
Data selector for subsequent input files. More... | |
struct | GraphicsSection |
class | CmdLayout |
class | CmdAlign |
class | CmdAdjustSizes |
"Virtual" command base for FontSizes and HeaderSizes More... | |
class | CmdFontSizes |
class | CmdTitleHeights |
class | CmdLinkImage |
class | CmdGroupTitle |
class | CmdImageTitle |
class | CmdTitle |
class | CmdInclude |
class | CmdPanelFoo |
class | CmdStyle |
class | CmdPanel |
Currenly, value is not used. More... | |
class | CmdPanelTest |
class | GraphicsModule |
class | CmdOutputConf |
class | CmdOutputPrefix |
class | ODIMVariableHandler |
class | CmdOutputRawImages |
class | CmdImageSampler |
class | CmdOutputFile |
class | CmdOutputTree |
class | FileModule |
class | RackSVG |
SVG panel utils. More... | |
class | MetaDataCollectorSVG |
class | MetaDataPrunerSVG |
class | TitleCreatorSVG |
"Collects" titles from metadata. Invoked by drain::TreeUtils::traverse() More... | |
class | RackImageOpCmd |
Designed for Rack. More... | |
class | ImageOpExec |
class | CmdImagePhysical |
Switch for image operators to use physical scale instead of storage typed values. More... | |
struct | ImageOpSection |
class | ImageOpModule |
class | CmdImageAlphaBase |
class | CmdImageAlpha |
class | CmdImageTransp |
class | CmdImageFlatten |
class | CmdPalette |
class | CmdPaletteConf |
class | CmdPaletteInput |
class | CmdPaletteOutput |
class | CmdPaletteRefine |
class | CmdImageQuality |
Quality groups accepted as alpha channels. More... | |
class | CmdImageBox |
class | CmdPlot |
struct | ImageSection |
class | ImageModule |
class | CmdImage |
struct | PaletteManager |
class | CmdSweep |
"Virtual" command extracting one sweep - actually only modifying selector More... | |
class | CmdOutputQuantity |
class | ProductCommand |
Wrapper for meteorological products derived from VolumeOp. More... | |
struct | ProductSection |
class | ProductModule |
class | AndreContext |
class | Hdf5Context |
struct | PanelConfSVG |
class | GraphicsContext |
class | ImageContext |
class | RackContext |
Resources provided separately for each thread. More... | |
class | RackResources |
A container for shared resources applied by RackLets. More... | |
struct | ScienceSection |
class | ScienceModule |
struct | TestSection |
class | CmdTestSelect |
class | CmdTestTree |
class | TestModule |
class | BeamAltitudeOp |
A single-ray "product" storing the altitude at each bin. More... | |
class | CappiOp |
CAPPI and Pseudo-CAPPI: the constant altitude planar position indicator product. More... | |
class | ConvOp |
Computes Cb s or bottoms in kilometers for a given dBZ threshold, typically 20, 40 or 45 dBZ. More... | |
class | CumulativeProductOp |
Base class for flat (2D) products computed in the polar coordinate system. More... | |
class | DataConversionOp |
Converts HDF5 data to use desired data type, scaling and encoding (ODIM gain, offset, undetect and nodata values). More... | |
struct | unitSpeed |
class | DopplerAvg |
Averaging operator. A simple example implementation of ImpulseCumulator. More... | |
class | DopplerAvgExpOp |
class | DopplerDevOp |
class | DopplerWindOp |
Base class for operators retrieving true wind (u,v). More... | |
class | DopplerInversionOp |
Derives two-dimensional wind (u,v) from Doppler data. More... | |
class | DopplerSegmentProber |
class | DopplerOp |
Base class for computing products using Doppler speed [VRAD] data. More... | |
class | DopplerDiffOp |
Experimental. More... | |
class | DopplerReprojectOp |
class | DopplerCrawlerOp |
class | DopplerSamplerOp |
Base class for computing products using Doppler speed [VRAD] data. More... | |
class | DopplerDiffPlotterOp |
class | DopplerWindowOp |
Base class for Doppler average and variance. More... | |
class | DopplerAvgOp |
Simple op not producing quality field. More... | |
class | DopplerEccentricityOp |
class | DrawingOp |
Select and visualise a direction, range, sector or arc. More... | |
class | EtopWindowCore |
class | Etop2Window |
struct | Measurement |
A single measurement (bin), with height coordinate and measurement value (reflectivity). More... | |
struct | MethodWeights |
class | EchoTopOp |
class | EchoTopOpOld |
Height of echo exceeding a reflectivity threshold. More... | |
class | FunctorOp |
A single-ray "product" storing the altitude at each bin. More... | |
class | MaxEchoOp |
The maximum dBZ value in each a vertical column. More... | |
class | PolarNeuralVPROp |
The VPRimum dBZ value in each a vertical column. More... | |
class | PolarProductOp |
Base class for flat (2D) products computed in the polar coordinate system. Volume is used as input. More... | |
class | PolarSlidingWindowOp |
Window operator with support. More... | |
class | PolarSlidingAvgOp |
class | ProductBase |
Base class for radar data processors. Input can be in polar or Cartesian coordinates. More... | |
class | ProductOp |
Polar and Cartesian products. More... | |
class | PseudoRhiOp |
Pseudo Range-Height indicator. More... | |
class | RainRateDPOp |
Uses DBZ, ZDR and KDP to derive rain rate. Under construction. More... | |
class | FreezingLevel |
class | RainRateOp |
Computes rain rate from dBZ. More... | |
class | SunShineOp |
A single-ray "product" storing the altitude at each bin. More... | |
class | VerticalIntersectionOp |
class | VerticalProfileOp |
Computes vertical profiles of reflectivity (DBZH), including raw and polarized reflectivity. More... | |
class | VerticalWindProfileOp |
Computes vertical profiles of reflectivity (DBZH), including raw and polarized reflectivity. More... | |
class | VolumeOp |
Base class for radar data processors. More... | |
class | VolumeTraversalOp |
Class designed for "sequential" "parallel" processing of Sweeps. More... | |
class | RadarDataFunctor |
Checks nodata and undetect before calling the functor. More... | |
class | RadarFunctorBase |
class | RadarFunctorOp |
Convenience (abbreviation) More... | |
class | PolarSegmentProber |
Computes in polar coordinates. More... | |
class | Beam |
class | Composite |
Cartesian composite (mosaic) of data from several radars. More... | |
class | Coordinates |
Simple spherical coordinate computation. Does not handle projections, but earth coords. More... | |
class | DopplerWindow |
class | DopplerAverageWindow |
class | DopplerAverageWindow2 |
Smoothens Doppler field, providing quality computed as eccentricity. More... | |
class | DopplerDevWindow |
class | DopplerEccentricityWindow |
Computes eccentrity of Doppler speeds mapped on a Nyquist-normalized unit window. More... | |
class | DopplerInversionConfig |
class | DopplerInversionMoments |
class | DopplerInversionWindow |
class | DopplerInversionWindowWeighted |
class | Geometry |
class | PolarSector |
class | PolarSmoother |
class | GaussianStripeVertPolarWeighted |
class | Precip |
class | SingleParamPrecip |
class | DoubleParamPrecip |
class | PrecipZ |
class | PrecipZrain |
class | PrecipZsnow |
class | PrecipKDP |
class | PrecipZZDR |
class | PrecipKDPZDR |
class | RadarAccumulator |
Data array for creating composites and accumulated polar products (Surface rain fall or cluttermaps) More... | |
class | RadarDataPicker |
Base class for utilities traversing radar data with Sampler. More... | |
class | PolarDataPicker |
class | CartesianDataPicker |
class | RadarProj4 |
class | RadarProj |
class | RadarWindowCore |
class | RadarWindowGeom |
Like pixel window, but width is metres and height is degrees. More... | |
class | RadarWindowConfig |
class | SlidingRadarWindowBase |
A two-dimensional image processing window that handles the special ODIM codes and scales the result. Template parameter for drain::SlidingWindowOpT. More... | |
class | SlidingRadarWindow |
class | RadarWindowAvg |
class | RadarWindowWeightedAvg |
class | RadarWindowSoftMax |
class | RadarWindowStdDev |
Sliding window for computing standard deviation of scalar quantities. More... | |
struct | Equatorial |
struct | Geographical |
struct | Horizontal |
class | Sun |
Typedefs | |
typedef SrcType< ODIM const > | BasicSrc |
Read-only data (supports top-level ODIM properties only) | |
typedef SrcType< PolarODIM const > | PolarSrc |
Read-only data in polar coordinates. | |
typedef SrcType< CartesianODIM const > | CartesianSrc |
Read-only data in Cartesian coordinates. | |
typedef DstType< ODIM > | BasicDst |
typedef DstType< PolarODIM > | PolarDst |
Writable data in polar coordinates. | |
typedef DstType< CartesianODIM > | CartesianDst |
Writable data in Cartesian coordinates. | |
typedef DstType< RhiODIM > | RhiDst |
Writable data in vertical coordinates, with (pseudo) RHI metadata. | |
typedef DstType< VerticalProfileODIM > | VprDst |
Writable data in vertical coordinates, with profile metadata. | |
typedef drain::Path< ODIMPathElem,'/', true, false, true > | ODIMPath |
typedef std::list< ODIMPath > | ODIMPathList |
typedef std::vector< ODIMPathElem > | ODIMPathElemSeq |
typedef std::map< std::string, ODIMPathElem > | ODIMPathElemMap |
typedef drain::CommandInstaller< 'a', AnDReSection > | AnDReInstaller |
Keep combined OBSOLETE? | |
Enumerations | |
enum | SvgInclude { NONE = 0 , PNG = 1 , SVG = 2 , TXT = 4 , SKIP = 16 , NEXT = 32 , ON = 64 , OFF = 128 , ALL = ON|(PNG|SVG|TXT) , UNKNOWN = 255 } |
Functions | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DataSelector &selector) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DataOrder &order) |
template<typename DT > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const PlainData< DT > &d) |
template<class DT , ODIMPathElem::group_t G> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DataGroup< DT, G > &d) |
template<typename DT > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Data< DT > &d) |
template<typename DT > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DataSet< DT > &d) |
Dumps quantities and geometry. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DataCoder &coder) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ODIM &odim) |
bool | operator== (const ODIMPathElem &e1, const ODIMPathElem &e2) |
bool | operator< (const ODIMPathElem &e1, const ODIMPathElem &e2) |
Important! | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ODIMPathElem &p) |
bool | operator!= (const ODIMPathElem &e1, const ODIMPathElem &e2) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &istr, ODIMPathElem &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ODIMPathElem2 &elem) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ODIMPathElemMatcher &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ODIMNodeValidator &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Quantity &q) |
QuantityMap & | getQuantityMap () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const QuantityMap &map) |
std::string | quoted (const ODIMPath &path) |
void | writeGroupToDot (std::ostream &ostr, const Hi5Tree &group, int &index, ODIMPathElem::group_t selector, const ODIMPath &path=ODIMPath()) |
template<class P > | |
void | sampleData (const typename P::dataset_t &dataset, const Sampler &sampler, const std::string &format, std::ostream &ostr) |
int | process (int argc, const char **argv) |
RackResources & | getResources () |
Default instance. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const rack::ProductBase &op) |
template<class T > | |
double | dbzToZ (const T &dBZ) |
template<class T > | |
double | zToDbz (const T &Z) |
template<class OD > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const RadarDataPicker< OD > &p) |
Variables | |
ODIMPathElem | odimROOT (ODIMPathElem::ROOT) |
ODIMPathElem | odimWHERE (ODIMPathElem::WHERE) |
ODIMPathElem | odimWHAT (ODIMPathElem::WHAT) |
ODIMPathElem | odimARRAY (ODIMPathElem::ARRAY) |
const drain::RegExp | textFileExtension (".*\\.(txt)$", REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE) |
Syntax for recognising hdf5 files. More... | |
const drain::RegExp | arrayFileExtension (".*\\.(mat)$", REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE) |
Syntax for recognising numeric array files (in plain text format anyway). | |
const drain::RegExp | sampleFileExtension (".*\\.(dat)$", REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE) |
Syntax for sparsely resampled data. | |
const drain::RegExp | dotFileExtension (".*\\.(dot)$", REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE) |
Syntax for recognising Graphviz DOT files. | |
const drain::RegExp | h5FileExtension |
Syntax for recognising hdf5 files. | |
const int | EARTH_RADIUSi = 6371000 |
Approximated radius of Earth, integer. | |
const double | EARTH_RADIUS = static_cast<double>(EARTH_RADIUSi) |
Approximated radius of Earth, integer. | |
const double | EARTH_RADIUS_43 = EARTH_RADIUS * 4.0 / 3.0 |
The standard 4/3 radius applied in radar to compensate the decreasing density of the atmosphere. | |
const int | earthRadiusMI = 6371000 |
const int | earthRadius43MI = (earthRadiusMI * 4) / 3 |
const float | earthRadius43MF = static_cast<float>(earthRadiusMI) * 4.0 / 3.0 |
const drain::image::CoordinatePolicy | polarLeftCoords (drain::image::EdgePolicy::POLAR, drain::image::EdgePolicy::WRAP, drain::image::EdgePolicy::LIMIT, drain::image::EdgePolicy::WRAP) |
Standard (?) orientation of polar coords in radar data. | |
const drain::image::CoordinatePolicy | limitCoords (drain::image::EdgePolicy::LIMIT, drain::image::EdgePolicy::LIMIT, drain::image::EdgePolicy::LIMIT, drain::image::EdgePolicy::LIMIT) |
Default coordinate policy; no wrapping or mirroring at edges. | |
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Markus Peura, Finnish Meteorological Institute (First) .Las t@fmi .fi
This file is part of AnoRack, radar data processing utilities for C++.
Created on: Mar 7, 2011 Author: mpeura
Copyright 2001 - 2011 Markus Peura, Finnish Meteorological Institute (First) .Las t@fmi .fi
This file is part of Rack.
Rack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Rack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Rack. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Version 10.7
Version 10.6.1
Version 10.6
Version 10.5
Version 10.4.1
Version 10.4
Version 10.3
Version 10.2.2
Version 10.2.1
Version 10.2
Version 10.1.2
Version 10.1.1
Version 10.1
Version 10.0.1
Version 10.0
Version 9.3.1
Version 9.3
Version 9.2.3
Version 9.2.2
Version 9.2.1
Version 9.2
Version 9.1
Version 9.0
Version 8.9.6
Version 8.9.5
Version 8.9.4
Version 8.9.3
Version 8.9.2
Version 8.9.1
Version 8.9
Version 8.8
Version 8.7.6
Version 8.7.5
or –format '{"key", 12.345,"key2", "value"}'
Version 8.7.4
Version 8.7.3
Version 8.7.2
Version 8.7.1
Version 8.7
Version 8.6.1
for –delete
, as other –delete
commands may leave empty data groupsVersion 8.6
Version 8.5
Version 8.4.1
Version 8.4
Version 8.3.1 –outputConf tif: <- default compliancy=EPSG:STRICT
Version 8.3.1 Version 8.3 – SVG title formatting, like ${what:starttime|:2:4}
Version 8.2.2 – CodeCheck: (self-assignment) cert-oop54-cpp
Version 8.2.1 – SVG title formatting, like ${what:starttime|:2:4} – pCappi back to PRF any
Version 8.2 – output variable formatting: 2.7182818... -> ${e|%4.2f} ${e|%06.2f} ${e|:6:2} – HTML output
Version 8.17 – enhanced SVG output
Version 8.16.1 – Fixed /what:EPSG -> /where:EPSG
Version 8.16 – enhanced SVG output – nonstandard /how:EPSG -> /where:EPSG
Version 8.15 – SVG output by extension (.svg).
Version 8.14 – QuantityMatcher: period '.' added to regExp-recognising-regExp: "^.?*[]()$"
Version 8.13 – Streamlined XML/SVG/HTML classes
Version 8.13 – Fixed SegmentProber POLAR bug
Version 8.12 – SVG output panel: –outputConf svg[:<params>] –outputFile <basename>.svg
Version 8.11 – Fixed SVG GROUP bug
Version 8.1 – Program output tracking – SVG, XML development
Version 8.0 – Revised quantity selection: list of strings/regExps.
Version 7.9 – Palette aliases, like DBZH->DBZ, DBHV->DBZ, TH->DBZ, TV-> ... – Fixed PGM 16bit read/write bugs – DataSelector supports list and regexp: –selectQuantity 'DBZH,DBZV,TH,^DBZH.*$'
Version 7.83 – Revised ODIMElement, ODIMElementMatcher, DataSelector, QuantitySelector
Version 7.81 – Further revised/simplified DataSelector
Version 7.8 – Revised DataSelector: #selectPaths() – New functionality: selective read –inputSelect – Log: adjustable sublevels: accept<LOG_DEBUG>(...) , fail<LOG_INFO>(...) – Revised definitions: Variable, ReferenceVariable, FlexibleVariable – Image processing: keys instead of numeric indices – Check rscale, nbins, nrays in compositing
Version 7.79 – DistanceTransform: literal keywords: "4-CONNECTED", "8-CONNECTED", "16-CONNECTED",
Version 7.78 – Logger: added op(), enabling log(level)(args...) – Palette: fixed file search – Input: adjustable error level
Version 7.77 – Logger arg order – Fixed conversion bug
Version 7.76 – Bug fix: QualityCombiner
Version 7.75 – Revised AnDRe class code assignment
Version 7.74 Version 7.73 – Palette tuning
Version 7.73 – Revised drain::Path design (variadic templates)
Version 7.71 – Revised DotGraph output – Revised & fixed combining of input quality fields
Version 7.7 – Revised & fixed combining of input quality fields
Version 7.62 – Default palettes for the most common quantities (DBZH, VRAD, ...) are included directly as C++ code, from ./palette
Version 7.61 – Bug fix: qualityCombiner
Version 7.6 – Palette supports initializer_list
Version 7.53 – cBoxTest uses AEQD as default projection
Version 7.52 – Added Cropping BBOX parameter to –cExtract – Fixed cCreateTile (clear composite)
Version 7.51 – More support for EPSG in saving composites in GeoTIFF.
Version 7.5 – Revised build.sh and make.sh
Version 7.41 – Image processing result quantity: ${what:quantity}|${cmdKey}(${cmdArgs} (esp. for iResize & palette) – Proj 7 compatibility
Version 7.4 – Proj 6.3.1
Version 7.32 – Extended EPSG handling for selected codes (now 3067)
Version 7.31 – Revised EPSG vs Proj.4 projstr handling – Revised TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, example: COMP:DBZH:PCAPPI(1500,true,1,0,WAVG:1:8:-40):elangles(0.3,0.7,1.5,3,5,9,2,7,11,15,25,45,0.4)
Version 7.3 – GeoTIFF EPSG support: plainEPSG output option – GeoTIFF EPSG:3067 support
Version 7.22 – Changed –iResize adjusts ODIM (rscale, startaz, ...)
Version 7.21 – Changed –iResize encoding quantity syntax – Fixed –iResize path selector
Version 7.20 – Fixed scripted volume append bug
Version 7.2 – Fixed –convert
Version 7.1 – Separate JSONtree class removed – execFile JSON fix
Version 7.0 – Revised JSON classes – execFile JSON support
Version 6.83 – Revised Flagger/Flags design with enum support – dualPRF selector redesigned
Version 6.82 – Checks unknown single char instructions, ie. other than [, /, or ] .
Version 6.81 Version 6.8 – DataSelector: added order: MIN|MAX:DATA|ELANGLE|TIME
Version 6.7 – Bug fix: cReset
Version 6.6 – Thread support for / small / commands /
Version 6.51 – Strip single and double quotes in scripting – Added inputFileBasename to status
Version 6.5 – More GeoTiff resiliency in metadata errors – Caster support for std::vector suppressed (resizing may change pointer address)
Version 6.49 – Bug fix: H5Aread / variable-length strings
Version 6.48 – aGapFill to use low-quality instead of 'nodata' (which required aRemover ) – aGapFillRec fix – Bug fix: Frame2D template parameter
Version 6.47 – Bug fix: handling empty geoTiff compression parameter
Version 6.46 – Bug fix: recognition of Metric coords (ie. large values) based on any coord exceeding.
Version 6.45 – Added "pseudo" region to pCappi – Bug fix: command section bug affecting –help – Bug fix: Histogram resize/rescale
Version 6.44 – aCCor also writes TH-DBHZ as quantity "TH_DBZH"
Version 6.43 – Bug fix: PGM 16 bit write – Developed further: file extension support
Version 6.42 – TIFF & GeoTIFF re-organized
Version 6.41 – Logger field width, precision – StringBuilder, StreamBuilder – Bug fix: PaletteOp precision
Version 6.4 – Data Selector: dualPRF
Version 6.35 – CAPPI: from polynomial to Gaussian beam modelling
Version 6.34 – Bug fix: Hi5 read string
Version 6.33 – Bug fix: ctx.statusFlags DATA_ERROR cleared upon new file read
Version 6.32 – select elangleMin,elangleMax removed
Version 6.31 – Status formatting
Version 6.30 – Redesign: Logger calls with variadic templates – Accumulator detached from AccumulationMethod
Version 6.29 – paletteRefine can (and should) be given before applying –palette
Version 6.26 – Added VRAD-VRADH flexibility to Doppler products
Version 6.25 – Image geometry accepts (area, channels, alphachannels) – Palette cmd preserves alpha channel (by copying it)
Version 6.24 – Restored –execScript (yet not often needed) – Bug fix in CommandInstaller, cmd section assignment -> logical OR
Version 6.23 – Bug fix in where:lat, where:lon (originated from SmartMapTools)
Version 6.22 – Bug fix in –cBBox and –cProj order problem
Version 6.21 – how:angles listed in Cartesian products (ODIM 2.3), also in polar products. – fixed VRAD/VRADH problem in pDopplerAvg
Version 6.2 – Revised logic in selecting (quality) data for image processing operators( -h imageOps )
Version 6.0 – Revised program core (drain::CommandBank, drain::Program, drain::Script) – Parallel processing by OpenMP, introducing '[' and ']' on command line – Revised anomaly detection and removal – Migration to C++11 standard started
Version 5.63
Version 5.62
Version 5.61
Version 5.6
Version 5.5
Version 5.45
, some (4236, 3067) also predefined for portability
Version 5.44
Version 5.43
Version 5.42
Version 5.4
Version 5.31
Version 5.29
Version 5.28
Version 5.08
Version 5.07
Version 5.06
Version 5.05
typedef std::map<std::string,ODIMPathElem> ODIMPathElemMap |
Applicable for timestamp based sorting of DATASET groups and quantity based DATA/quality groups
inline |
Converts Z from logarithmic to linear scale.
inline |
DT | - data type (PolarSrc, PolarDst, CartesianSrc, CartesianDst, ...) |
int process | ( | int | argc, |
const char ** | argv | ||
) |
Main program - renamed to facilitate calls from outside, esp. JNI calls. The standard main() will call this directly.
If a plain argument <arg> is given, forward it to this command. Equivalent to –inputFile
<arg> .
If command is not found, it is redirected to this command. –setODIM
<arg> which checks if it starts with a leading slash
void rack::writeGroupToDot | ( | std::ostream & | ostr, |
const Hi5Tree & | group, | ||
int & | index, | ||
ODIMPathElem::group_t | selector, | ||
const ODIMPath & | path = ODIMPath() |
) |
Draw rank fixer [style=invis]
Draw egdes
Draw rank fixer
Draw edge
inline |
Converts Z from logarithmic to linear scale.
const drain::RegExp textFileExtension | ( | ".*\\.(txt)$" | , |
) |
Syntax for recognising hdf5 files.
Syntax for recognising GeoTIFF files.
Syntax for recognising text files.
Syntax for recognising Portable Networks Image image file. Syntax for recognising PNM (PGM,PPM) image file. Syntax for recognising text files.