![]() |
Namespaces | |
image | |
Namespace for images and image processing tools. | |
Classes | |
class | SmartMapFoo |
A base class for smart maps providing methods for importing and exporting values, among others. More... | |
class | StyleXML |
class | XML |
class | NodeXML |
struct | TypeName< drain::UnorderedMultiTree< NodeXML< E >, EX, P > > |
struct | TypeName< rack::DataType< T, TI, D > > |
class | Castable |
class | CastableIterator |
class | Caster |
class | Convert |
Utility class with static conversions. More... | |
class | Convert2 |
Utility class with static conversions. More... | |
class | Kernel |
class | NodeSLD |
class | NeuralVector |
class | Neuron |
class | Layer |
class | Bidirectional |
class | ImageCodeMap |
class | LegendEntry |
class | Legend |
struct | TypeName< image::Window< P, R > > |
struct | Notification |
class | Log |
Handler for notifications sent by a Logger. More... | |
class | DrainException |
class | Logger |
LogSourc e is the means for a function or any program segment to "connect" to a Log. More... | |
class | Command |
Base class for commands: typically actions taking parameters but also plain variable assignments and parameterless actions. More... | |
class | BeanCommand |
Retrieves bean dynamically for each call. More... | |
class | BeanRefCommand |
class | BasicCommand |
Simple implementation of Command: adds name , description and parameters . More... | |
class | SimpleCommand |
A single-parameter command. More... | |
class | CommandBank |
Container and execution tools for commands derived from Command. More... | |
class | CmdVerbosity |
class | CmdDebug |
class | CmdLog |
class | CmdStatus |
class | CmdExpandVariables |
class | CmdScript |
Load script file and executes the commands immediately. More... | |
class | CmdExecScript |
Executes the defined script. More... | |
class | CmdExecFile |
Load script file and execute the commands immediately using current Context. More... | |
class | HelpCmd |
CommandBank-dependent. More... | |
class | CmdFormat |
class | CmdFormatFile |
class | CmdNotFound |
Special command for handling undefined commands. More... | |
class | CommandInstaller |
Creates an instance of command class C. More... | |
class | CommandModule |
Combines command installation and sectioning. More... | |
class | CmdOpticalFlowBase |
Utility for creating a Command that runs FastOpticalFlowOp operator. More... | |
class | CommandSection |
struct | HiddenSection |
struct | GeneralSection |
struct | TriggerSection |
class | Context |
class | ContextKit |
Utilities. More... | |
class | SmartContext |
class | Contextual |
class | SuperContextual |
Adds class-specific convenience functions. More... | |
class | CommandSequence |
A base class for Script and Program. More... | |
class | Script |
class | Program |
Sequence consisting of Command:s retrieved from a CommandBank. More... | |
class | ProgramVector |
Structure for implementing threads in parallelized OpenMP for loop. More... | |
class | PseudoTuple |
struct | TypeName< PseudoTuple< C, T, N > > |
class | ReferenceT |
Intermediate class supporting link() in various forms. More... | |
class | RegExp |
class | MapTools |
General purpose tools for handling values and keys of std::map<> More... | |
class | SmartMapTools |
A base class for smart maps providing methods for importing and exporting values, among others. More... | |
class | TypeLayoutBase |
Small container for printing style for putting of structured objects (array, maps, pairs). More... | |
struct | TypeLayout |
struct | SprinterLayout |
class | Sprinter |
class | Sprintlet |
class | StreamBuilder |
class | StringTools |
class | StringBuilder |
class | TextStyle |
Utility for scanning text segments. More... | |
class | TextStyleVT100 |
struct | TupleType |
class | TupleBase |
struct | TypeName< TupleBase< S, N > > |
class | Type |
Utilities related to std::type_info. More... | |
struct | TypeName |
struct | TypeName< std::initializer_list< T > > |
struct | TypeName< std::vector< T > > |
class | simpleName |
Returns the basic type (integer, float, bool, string, void) as a string. More... | |
struct | TypeUtils |
class | typesetter |
Utility for implementing setType(const std::type_info &t) in classes supporting setType<T>(). More... | |
class | sizeGetter |
Returns the sizeof() of a type. Accepts void (and returns size 0), which is not supported by std::numeric_limits. More... | |
class | compactName |
Returns the basic type (integer, float, bool, string, void) as a string. More... | |
class | complexName |
class | nameGetter |
Returns the compiler specific ie. non-standard name of the type. More... | |
class | typeIsFundamental |
class | isSigned |
class | typeIsScalar |
Checks if type is numeric. More... | |
class | typeIsInteger |
class | typeIsFloat |
class | typeIsSmallInt |
The maximum value of a type given as type_info, char or std::string. More... | |
struct | typeLimits |
class | typeMin |
The minimum value of a type given as type_info, char or std::string. More... | |
class | typeMax |
The maximum value of a type given as type_info, char or std::string. More... | |
class | typeNaturalMax |
The maximum value of a. More... | |
class | typeLimiter |
Class for ensuring that variable of type D remains within limits of type S. More... | |
class | UniTuple |
Tuple of N elements of type T. More... | |
struct | TypeName< UniTuple< T, N > > |
class | Bank |
class | BankSuper |
A Bank with additional support for brief, single char keys. More... | |
class | UniCloner |
Creates an entry of desired type and destroys it upon exit. More... | |
class | BeanLike |
Something which has a name, a description and possibly some parameters of varying type. More... | |
class | BBox |
Container for geographical extent spanned by lowerLeft(x,y) and upperRight(x,y). Assumes longitude=x and latitude=y . More... | |
class | ClassListXML |
Container for style classes. Essentially a set of strings, with space-separated output support. More... | |
struct | ClonerBase |
struct | Cloner |
Wrapper for derived class S, returning base class T. More... | |
class | Dictionary |
Two-way mapping between strings and objects of template class T. More... | |
class | DictionaryPtr |
Associates type info. More... | |
class | DotLayout |
class | DotEntity |
class | DotNode |
class | DotBullit |
class | DotRankNode |
class | DotHeader |
class | DotComment |
class | DotLink |
class | DotRank |
struct | EnumDict |
Wrapper for unique (static) dictionary of enum values. More... | |
class | EnumFlagger |
Flagger accepting values of enum type E. More... | |
class | FileInfo |
class | FileHandler |
class | FilePath |
Extracts and stores directory path, base filename and extension. More... | |
class | FlagResolver |
Referencing a dictionary of binary values: {"A",1: "B":2, "C": 4, "D": 8, ...} resolves two-way mappings "A,C" <=> 5 . More... | |
class | FlaggerBase |
class | SingleFlagger |
class | MultiFlagger |
class | Flags2 |
Flagger with referenced/external dictionary accepting values of (integer) type T. More... | |
class | Frame2D |
Something that has width and height . More... | |
struct | Box |
Something that has coordinates (x,y) and dimensions (width, height). More... | |
class | Functor |
Base class for sequential computations. Optional scaling utilities. More... | |
struct | UnaryFunctor |
struct | IdentityFunctor |
class | BinaryFunctor |
class | ScalingFunctor |
Rescales intensities linearly: f' = scale*f + offset. More... | |
class | NegateFunctor |
Inverts intensities: f' = f_max - f. More... | |
class | RemappingFunctor |
Maps a single intensity value to another value. More... | |
class | ThresholdFunctor |
Thresholds intensity values. More... | |
class | BinaryThresholdFunctor |
Thresholds intensity values. More... | |
class | AdditionFunctor |
Adds a intensity values . More... | |
class | SubtractionFunctor |
Subtracts image from another image. More... | |
class | MultiplicationFunctor |
Multiplies two images, with optional post scaling and offset. More... | |
class | DivisionFunctor |
Divides image by another image. More... | |
class | MixerFunctor |
Blends an image to another with given proportion. More... | |
class | MaximumFunctor |
class | MinimumFunctor |
Minimum intensity. Prescaled input. More... | |
class | Fuzzifier |
A base class for fuzzy functions; also an unary functor. More... | |
class | FuzzyStep |
A basic, linear transition from 0 to scale between (start) and (end) . More... | |
class | FuzzyTriangle |
A basic triangular peak function with linear around the peak. More... | |
class | FuzzyBell |
A smooth symmetric peak function that resembles the Gaussian bell curve. More... | |
class | FuzzyBell2 |
A smooth symmetric peak function that resembles the Gaussian bell curve. Diminishes quicker than FuzzyPeak. More... | |
class | FuzzySigmoid |
A smooth step function, by default from -1.0 to +1.0. More... | |
class | FuzzyStepsoid |
A smooth step function between 0.0 and 1.0. Increasing (decreasing) with positive (negative) width. Otherwise like FuzzySigmoid. More... | |
class | FuzzyTwinPeaks |
A function taking shape of two peaks, with a zero in the middle . More... | |
class | GlobalFlags |
Flags using a global dictionary. More... | |
class | Histogram |
Class for computing a histogram and some statistics: average, min, max, mean, std.dev, sum. More... | |
class | Input |
Input utility. Opens stdIn with "-". Closes upon destruction. More... | |
class | IosFormat |
Stores precision, fillChar and fieldWidth applied by STD streams. More... | |
class | JSON |
Utility for extracting JSON-compatible strings, numbers or arrays of numbers in text data. More... | |
class | LookUp |
Look-up tables. More... | |
class | LookUp2 |
Look-up tables. More... | |
class | FunctorLookUp |
Values are available from [0,2PI]. More... | |
class | MapReader |
General utility for reading text entries of type KEY=VALUE into a map. More... | |
class | MapWrapper |
class | MapWriter |
class | Matrix |
class | Vector |
class | Output |
Output utility. Opens stdout with "-". Closes upon destruction. More... | |
struct | PathSeparatorPolicy |
Determines if separators will be stored in the path. More... | |
class | Path |
struct | Point2D |
struct | Point3D |
class | Proj6 |
class | Projection |
class | Projector |
class | Range |
struct | Rectangle |
Rectange defined through lower left and upper right coordinates. More... | |
class | ReferenceMap2 |
A map of references to base type scalars, arrays or std::string; changing values in either are equivalent operations. More... | |
class | ReferenceMap |
class | Registry |
A container for storing global objects like functors, operators or commands. Supports aliases. More... | |
class | SmartMap |
A base class for smart maps providing methods for importing and exporting values, among others. More... | |
class | Som |
class | Static |
class | BiStatic |
class | Stringlet |
A helper class for StringMapper. More... | |
class | StringMapper |
A tool for expanding variables embedded in a std::string to literals. More... | |
class | StringMatcher |
General-purpose key matcher: tests string equality, or regExp, if defined as such. More... | |
class | StringMatcherList |
Utility for selecting a quantity label Applied by DataSelector. More... | |
class | TextDecorator |
Utility for ... More... | |
class | TextDecoratorVt100 |
class | TextReader |
Utility for scanning text segments. More... | |
class | Time |
Utility for handling time. Internally, uses tm (C time structure). More... | |
A templated class for directed rooted trees. More... | |
struct | TypeName< DRAIN_TREE_NAME< T, EXCLUSIVE, P > > |
struct | BaseHTML |
class | NodeHTML |
class | TreeUtilsHTML |
class | TreeUtils |
Collection of functions for investigating and processing trees. More... | |
class | TreeVisitor |
Default implementation of a tree visitor (concept) compatible TreeUtils::traverser() More... | |
class | SelectorXML |
class | SelectorXMLcls |
class | SelectorXMLid |
class | UtilsXML |
class | ValueScaling |
Linear scaling and physical range for image intensities. More... | |
class | VariableFormatter |
Formats variables to output stream. More... | |
class | VariableMap |
A map of Variables. More... | |
class | FlexVariableMap |
A map of FlexVariable:s. More... | |
class | WeightedVector |
class | VariableBase |
Base class for variables: Variable, Reference and FlexibleVariable. More... | |
class | VariableInitializer |
class | VariableT |
VariableT is a final class applied through typedefs Variable, Reference and FlexibleVariable. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef drain::UnorderedMultiTree< NodeXML<>, false, NodeXML<>::path_t > | TreeXML |
typedef VariableT< VariableInitializer< ReferenceT< VariableBase > > > | FlexibleVariable |
Value container supporting dynamic type with own memory and optional linking (referencing) of external variables. More... | |
typedef int | bank_section_t |
typedef ClonerBase< Context > | ContextClonerBase |
typedef VariableT< ReferenceT< Castable > > | Reference |
Variable-like that is linked to a standard variable: double, int, std::string . Supports multi-element arrays through drain::UniTuple. More... | |
typedef drain::Sprintlet< drain::VariableMap, DotLayout > | attrSprintlet |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | amap_t |
typedef drain::Sprintlet< amap_t, DotLayout > | AttrSprintlet |
typedef BankSuper< UnaryFunctor > | FunctorBank |
typedef drain::UnorderedMultiTree< drain::Variable, true > | JSONtree2 |
typedef std::vector< double > | SomVector |
typedef drain::EnumFlagger< drain::MultiFlagger< Status > > | StatusFlags |
typedef StringMatcherList< StringMatcher > | KeySelector |
typedef NodeHTML::xml_tree_t | TreeHTML |
The HTML data structure. | |
typedef DRAIN_VARIABLE | Variable |
Value container supporting dynamic type. More... | |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (rack::DataSelector) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (rack::DataSelector) | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SmartMapFoo< T > &m) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const StyleXML &style) |
template<class N > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const NodeXML< N > &node) |
Note: Not designed for XML output, this is more for debugging (in tree dumps),. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const TreeXML &t) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (rack::PolarODIM) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Castable &c) |
template<class T > | |
T & | operator+= (T &x, const Castable &c) |
Arithmetics: addition. | |
template<class T > | |
T & | operator-= (T &x, const Castable &c) |
Arithmetics: subtraction. | |
template<class T > | |
T & | operator*= (T &x, const Castable &c) |
Arithmetics: addition. | |
template<class T > | |
T & | operator/= (T &x, const Castable &c) |
Arithmetics: subtraction. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CastableIterator &it) |
template<> | |
void | Caster::updateType< std::string > () |
template<> | |
void | Caster::put< std::string > (void *p, const std::string &x) const |
template<> | |
std::string | Caster::get< std::string > (const void *p) const |
Note: there is no conversion for const char * ! | |
template<class T > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &ostr, const vector< T > &n) |
Risk of conflicts? | |
template<class T > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &ostr, const Kernel< T > &n) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (RoleFlagger) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (ModeFlagger) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (MultiModeFlagger) | |
template<class T > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &ostr, const Neuron< T > &n) |
template<class T > | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &ostr, const Layer< T > &n) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (FlexibleVariable) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (FlexibleVariable) | |
template<> | |
std::ostream & | drain::Sprinter::toStream< drain::image::ImageFrame > (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::image::ImageFrame &src, const SprinterLayout &layout) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (drain::image::ImageFrame) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (drain::image::ImageFrame) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (const LegendEntry &entry, std::ostream &ostr) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (image::svg::tag_t) | |
const drain::EnumDict< image::svg::tag_t >::dict_t & | getDict () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const image::NodeSVG &node) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (image::NodeSVG) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (image::svg::tag_t) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (image::NodeGDAL::tag_t) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const image::TreeGDAL &tree) |
Write tree using XML notation. More... | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (image::NodeGDAL) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (image::NodeGDAL::tag_t) | |
Log & | getLog () |
Notification & | getNotif (Logger::level_t level) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Command &cmd) |
CommandBank & | getCommandBank () |
Global program command registry. Optional utility. | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CommandSequence< T > &commands) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::RegExp &r) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SprinterLayout &layout) |
template<class T , class L > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Sprintlet< T, L > &sp) |
template<class T > | |
Sprintlet< T > | sprinter (const T &x, const char *arrayCaps, const char *mapCaps="{,}", const char *pairCaps="(:)", const char *stringCaps="\"") |
template<class T > | |
Sprintlet< T > | sprinter (const T &x, const SprinterLayout &layout=SprinterLayout()) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (TextStyle::Colour) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (TextStyle::Line) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (TextStyle::Style) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (TextStyle) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (TextStyle::Colour) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (TextStyle::Line) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (TextStyle::Style) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const TextStyle &t) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const TextStyleVT100 &t) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (TextStyleVT100) | |
template<class S , size_t N> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const TupleBase< S, N > &tuple) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (unsigned char) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (unsigned short) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (unsigned int) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (unsigned long) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (const char *) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (std::string) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Type &t) |
Dumps information. | |
Add a specialization for each type of those you want to support. | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (unsigned char) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (short) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (unsigned short) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (unsigned int) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (unsigned long) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (float) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (double) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (char *) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (const char *) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (std::string) | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Bank< T > &bank) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const BeanLike &bean) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ClassListXML &cls) |
template<class K , class V > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Dictionary< K, V > &dict) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DotNode &node) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DotHeader &header) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DotComment &comment) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DotLink &link) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DotRank &rank) |
Registry< FileInfo > & | getFileInfoRegistry () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const FilePath &p) |
template<typename E , typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::FlaggerBase< E, T > &flagger) |
template<typename E > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::SingleFlagger< E > &flagger) |
template<typename E , typename T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::MultiFlagger< E, T > &flagger) |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::Box< T > &box) |
FunctorBank & | getFunctorBank () |
UnaryFunctor & | getFunctor (const std::string &nameAndParams, char separator=',') |
Returns functor the parameters of which have been set. More... | |
const double | DEG2RAD (M_PI/180.0) |
const double | RAD2DEG (180.0/M_PI) |
const int | EARTH_RADIUSi (6371000) |
const double | EARTH_RADIUS (6371000.0) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Histogram &h) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const IosFormat &iosformat) |
template<class T > | |
void | polynomialFit2nd (const T &src, const T &weight, std::vector< double > &coeff) |
Fits a 2nd order polynomial to a curve. More... | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Matrix< T > &m) |
template<class T > | |
Output & | operator<< (Output &output, const T &value) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const PathSeparatorPolicy &policy) |
template<class T , char SEP = '/', bool ALEAD = true, bool AREPEAT = false, bool ATRAIL = true> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Path< T, SEP, ALEAD, AREPEAT, ATRAIL > &p) |
template<class T , char SEP = '/', bool ALEAD = true, bool AREPEAT = false, bool ATRAIL = true> | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &istr, Path< T, SEP, ALEAD, AREPEAT, ATRAIL > &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Proj6 &p) |
DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (Projector::PROJDEF_variant) | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::Rectangle< T > &r) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_T (Rectangle, T) | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SmartMap< T > &m) |
template<class T > | |
double | euclideanDistance2 (const T &x1, const T &x2) |
template<class T > | |
void | vectorMix (const T &x1, const T &x2, double coeff, T &m) |
template<class T > | |
void | uniformRandomVector256 (std::vector< T > &x) |
For initialising vector Soms. | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const std::vector< T > &n) |
Risk of conflicts? | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Som< T > &som) |
template<class T > | |
void | somToImage (const Som< T > &som, drain::image::Image &image, int width=0, int height=0, const std::vector< int > &channels=std::vector< int >()) |
Squared Euclidean distance for vectors and similar. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Stringlet &s) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const StringMapper &strmap) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (StringMatcher) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const StringMatcher &m) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (StringMatcher) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (KeySelector) | |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const StringMatcherList< T > &selector) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (KeySelector) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const TextDecorator &decorator) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const NodeHTML &node) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (BaseHTML::tag_t) | |
template<class E , bool EX, class P > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const UnorderedMultiTree< NodeXML< E >, EX, P > &tree) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::ValueScaling &s) |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const WeightedVector< T > &WeightedVector) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (Variable) | |
DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (rack::SvgInclude) | |
DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (rack::PanelConfSVG::ElemClass) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (rack::RadarDataPicker< rack::PolarODIM >) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (rack::RadarDataPicker< rack::CartesianODIM >) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (rack::RadarDataPicker< rack::PolarODIM >) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (rack::RadarDataPicker< rack::CartesianODIM >) | |
Variables | |
const double | DEG2RAD |
const double | RAD2DEG |
const int | EARTH_RADIUSi |
const double | EARTH_RADIUS |
See also radar::Compositor
See also radar::Composite
Part of Rack development has been done in the BALTRAD projects part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument, Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013)
Copyright 2001 - 2010 Markus Peura, Finnish Meteorological Institute (First) .Las t@fmi .fi
This file is part of Rack for C++.
Rack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Rack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Rack. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
typedef VariableT<VariableInitializer<ReferenceT<VariableBase> > > FlexibleVariable |
Value container supporting dynamic type with own memory and optional linking (referencing) of external variables.
drain::FlexibleVariable combines properties of drain::Variable and drain::Reference : it has memory of its own but can also be linked to external variables.
FlexibleVariable | ||
Default constructor | ||
V variable; | null | |
Copy constructor | ||
bool b=true; V var(b); | V variable(var); | true |
char c='Y'; V var(c); | V variable(var); | Y |
int i=123; V var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
double d=45.678; V var(d); | V variable(var); | 45.678 |
std::string str("Test"); V var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
UniTuple2i uni2i(INIT_2i); V var(uni2i); | V variable(var); | 12,34 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); V var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
Copy constructor variants | ||
int i=123; Variable var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
int i=123; FlexibleVariable var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
int i=123; FlexibleVariable var; var.link(i); | V variable(var); | 123 ® |
int i=123; Reference var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 ® |
std::string str("Test"); Variable var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
std::string str("Test"); FlexibleVariable var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
std::string str("Test"); FlexibleVariable var; var.link(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" ® |
std::string str("Test"); Reference var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" ® |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); Variable var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); FlexibleVariable var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); FlexibleVariable var; var.link(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 ® |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); Reference var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 ® |
Non-const variable arg | ||
bool b=true; | V variable(b); | true |
char c='Y'; | V variable(c); | Y |
int i=123; | V variable(i); | 123 |
double d=45.678; | V variable(d); | 45.678 |
std::string str("Test"); | V variable(str); | "Test" © |
UniTuple2i uni2i(INIT_2i) | V variable(uni2i); | 12,34 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d) | V variable(uni3d); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
Type initialisation | ||
V variable(typeid(bool)); | null | |
V variable(typeid(char)); | null | |
V variable(typeid(int)); | null | |
V variable(typeid(double)); | null | |
Initial value | ||
V variable(false); | false | |
V variable('X'); | X | |
V variable(12345); | 12345 | |
V variable(56.789); | 56.789 | |
V variable("Hello!"); | "Hello!" © | |
V variable(std::string("Test")); | "Test" © | |
V variable(UniTuple2i(INIT_2i)); | 12,34 | |
V variable(UniTuple3d(INIT_3d)); | 5.6,7.8,9 | |
Const variable | ||
const bool b=true; | V variable(b); | true |
const char c='Y'; | V variable(c); | Y |
const int i=123; | V variable(i); | 123 |
const double d=45.678; | V variable(d); | 45.678 |
const std::string str("Test"); | V variable(str); | "Test" © |
const char *s="123abc"; | V variable(s); | "123abc" © |
UniTuple2i ut(INIT_2i); | V variable(ut); | 12,34 |
UniTuple3d ut(INIT_3d); | V variable(ut); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
Constructor with assignment | ||
V variable = true; | true | |
V variable = 'Z'; | Z | |
V variable = 1234; | 1234 | |
V variable = 345.67; | 345.67 | |
V variable = "12.34567"; | "12.34567" © | |
V variable = INIT_2i; | 12,34 | |
V variable = UniTuple3d(INIT_3d); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
input | FlexibleVariable | |||||||||
type | value | bool | unsigned char | char | short | int | unsigned long | float | double | char-array |
bool | false | false | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "0" © | ||
bool | true | true | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | "1" © | ||
int | 123 | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
float | 12.345f | true | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12.345 | 12.345 | "12.345" © | ||
double | 3.14159265358979323846 | true | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3.14159 | 3.14159 | "3.14159" © | ||
double | 314.15926E-02 | true | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3.14159 | 3.14159 | "3.14159" © | ||
std::string | "Hello!" | false | H | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "Hello!" © | |
std::string | "true" | true | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "true" © | |
std::string | "false" | false | f | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "false" © | |
std::string | "3141592E-6" | true | Ø | 3 | -4136 | 3141592 | 3141592 | 3.14159 | 3.14159 | "3141592E-6" © |
const char * | "Test" | false | T | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "Test" © | |
const char * | "true" | true | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "true" © | |
const char * | "false" | false | f | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "false" © | |
UniTuple<2,int> | uni2i | true,true | ," | ," | 12,34 | 12,34 | 12,34 | 12,34 | 12,34 | "12,34" © |
UniTuple<3,double> | uni3d | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
void * | nullptr | false | n | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "nullptr" © | |
Variables... | ||||||||||
int i=123 | Variable(i) | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
int i=123 | FlexibleVariable(i) | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
int i=123 | Reference(i) | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
std::string s("test") | Variable(s) | false | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "test" © | |
std::string s("test") | FlexibleVariable(s) | false | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "test" © | |
std::string s("test") | Reference(s) | false | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "test" © | |
UniTuple | Variable(uni3d) | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
UniTuple | FlexibleVariable(uni3d) | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
UniTuple | Reference(uni3d) | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
See the combined review of drain::Variable, drain::Reference and drain::FlexibleVariable in the documentation of template drain::VariableT .
typedef VariableT<ReferenceT<Castable> > Reference |
Variable-like that is linked to a standard variable: double, int, std::string . Supports multi-element arrays through drain::UniTuple.
drain::Reference does not have memory of its own. The type of reference cannot be changed – it is that of the referenced variable.
The only character string type supported is std::string
Currently, the only multi-element structure supported is drain::UniTuple<>, which has a fixed start address for its elements. In future, STL Sequences like std::vectors may be supported.
Reference does not support STL containers.
This class is best illustrated together with its counterparts supporting own memory, Variable and FlexibleVariable
Reference | ||
Default constructor | ||
V variable; | null | |
Copy constructor | ||
bool b=true; V var(b); | V variable(var); | true ® |
char c='Y'; V var(c); | V variable(var); | Y ® |
int i=123; V var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 ® |
double d=45.678; V var(d); | V variable(var); | 45.678 ® |
std::string str("Test"); V var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" ® |
UniTuple2i uni2i(INIT_2i); V var(uni2i); | V variable(var); | 12,34 ® |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); V var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 ® |
Copy constructor variants | ||
int i=123; Variable var(i); | V variable(var); | null |
int i=123; FlexibleVariable var(i); | V variable(var); | null |
int i=123; FlexibleVariable var; var.link(i); | V variable(var); | 123 ® |
int i=123; Reference var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 ® |
std::string str("Test"); Variable var(str); | V variable(var); | null |
std::string str("Test"); FlexibleVariable var(str); | V variable(var); | null |
std::string str("Test"); FlexibleVariable var; var.link(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" ® |
std::string str("Test"); Reference var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" ® |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); Variable var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | null |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); FlexibleVariable var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | null |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); FlexibleVariable var; var.link(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 ® |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); Reference var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 ® |
Non-const variable arg | ||
bool b=true; | V variable(b); | true ® |
char c='Y'; | V variable(c); | Y ® |
int i=123; | V variable(i); | 123 ® |
double d=45.678; | V variable(d); | 45.678 ® |
std::string str("Test"); | V variable(str); | "Test" ® |
UniTuple2i uni2i(INIT_2i) | V variable(uni2i); | 12,34 ® |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d) | V variable(uni3d); | 5.6,7.8,9 ® |
input | Reference | |||||||||
type | value | bool | unsigned char | char | short | int | unsigned long | float | double | std::string |
bool | false | false ® | ® | ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "0" ® |
bool | true | true ® | ® | ® | 1 ® | 1 ® | 1 ® | 1 ® | 1 ® | "1" ® |
int | 123 | true ® | { ® | { ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | "123" ® |
float | 12.345f | true ® | ® | ® | 12 ® | 12 ® | 12 ® | 12.345 ® | 12.345 ® | "12.345" ® |
double | 3.14159265358979323846 | true ® | ® | ® | 3 ® | 3 ® | 3 ® | 3.14159 ® | 3.14159 ® | "3.14159" ® |
double | 314.15926E-02 | true ® | ® | ® | 3 ® | 3 ® | 3 ® | 3.14159 ® | 3.14159 ® | "3.14159" ® |
std::string | "Hello!" | false ® | ® | H ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "Hello!" ® |
std::string | "true" | true ® | ® | t ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "true" ® |
std::string | "false" | false ® | ® | f ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "false" ® |
std::string | "3141592E-6" | true ® | Ø Â® | 3 ® | -4136 ® | 3141592 ® | 3141592 ® | 3.14159 ® | 3.14159 ® | "3141592E-6" ® |
const char * | "Test" | false ® | ® | T ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "Test" ® |
const char * | "true" | true ® | ® | t ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "true" ® |
const char * | "false" | false ® | ® | f ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "false" ® |
UniTuple<2,int> | uni2i | true ® | ® | ® | 12 ® | 12 ® | 12 ® | 12 ® | 12 ® | "12,34" ® |
UniTuple<3,double> | uni3d | true ® | ® | ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5.6 ® | 5.6 ® | "5.6,7.8,9" ® |
void * | nullptr | false ® | ® | n ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "nullptr" ® |
Variables... | ||||||||||
int i=123 | Variable(i) | true ® | { ® | { ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | "123" ® |
int i=123 | FlexibleVariable(i) | true ® | { ® | { ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | "123" ® |
int i=123 | Reference(i) | true ® | { ® | { ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | 123 ® | "123" ® |
std::string s("test") | Variable(s) | false ® | ® | t ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "test" ® |
std::string s("test") | FlexibleVariable(s) | false ® | ® | t ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "test" ® |
std::string s("test") | Reference(s) | false ® | ® | t ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | 0 ® | "test" ® |
UniTuple | Variable(uni3d) | true ® | ® | ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5.6 ® | 5.6 ® | "5.6,7.8,9" ® |
UniTuple | FlexibleVariable(uni3d) | true ® | ® | ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5.6 ® | 5.6 ® | "5.6,7.8,9" ® |
UniTuple | Reference(uni3d) | true ® | ® | ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5 ® | 5.6 ® | 5.6 ® | "5.6,7.8,9" ® |
See the documentation of drain::VariableT template specialized by drain::Variable, drain::Reference and drain::FlexibleVariable .
typedef DRAIN_VARIABLE Variable |
Value container supporting dynamic type.
drain::Variable has memory of its own, and cannot be linked to external variables like drain::Reference and drain::FlexibleVariable .
Variable | ||
Default constructor | ||
V variable; | null | |
Copy constructor | ||
bool b=true; V var(b); | V variable(var); | true |
char c='Y'; V var(c); | V variable(var); | Y |
int i=123; V var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
double d=45.678; V var(d); | V variable(var); | 45.678 |
std::string str("Test"); V var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
UniTuple2i uni2i(INIT_2i); V var(uni2i); | V variable(var); | 12,34 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); V var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
Copy constructor variants | ||
int i=123; Variable var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
int i=123; FlexibleVariable var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
int i=123; FlexibleVariable var; var.link(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
int i=123; Reference var(i); | V variable(var); | 123 |
std::string str("Test"); Variable var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
std::string str("Test"); FlexibleVariable var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
std::string str("Test"); FlexibleVariable var; var.link(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
std::string str("Test"); Reference var(str); | V variable(var); | "Test" © |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); Variable var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); FlexibleVariable var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); FlexibleVariable var; var.link(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d); Reference var(uni3d); | V variable(var); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
Non-const variable arg | ||
bool b=true; | V variable(b); | true |
char c='Y'; | V variable(c); | Y |
int i=123; | V variable(i); | 123 |
double d=45.678; | V variable(d); | 45.678 |
std::string str("Test"); | V variable(str); | "Test" © |
UniTuple2i uni2i(INIT_2i) | V variable(uni2i); | 12,34 |
UniTuple3d uni3d(INIT_3d) | V variable(uni3d); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
Type initialisation | ||
V variable(typeid(bool)); | null | |
V variable(typeid(char)); | null | |
V variable(typeid(int)); | null | |
V variable(typeid(double)); | null | |
Initial value | ||
V variable(false); | false | |
V variable('X'); | X | |
V variable(12345); | 12345 | |
V variable(56.789); | 56.789 | |
V variable("Hello!"); | "Hello!" © | |
V variable(std::string("Test")); | "Test" © | |
V variable(UniTuple2i(INIT_2i)); | 12,34 | |
V variable(UniTuple3d(INIT_3d)); | 5.6,7.8,9 | |
Const variable | ||
const bool b=true; | V variable(b); | true |
const char c='Y'; | V variable(c); | Y |
const int i=123; | V variable(i); | 123 |
const double d=45.678; | V variable(d); | 45.678 |
const std::string str("Test"); | V variable(str); | "Test" © |
const char *s="123abc"; | V variable(s); | "123abc" © |
UniTuple2i ut(INIT_2i); | V variable(ut); | 12,34 |
UniTuple3d ut(INIT_3d); | V variable(ut); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
Constructor with assignment | ||
V variable = true; | true | |
V variable = 'Z'; | Z | |
V variable = 1234; | 1234 | |
V variable = 345.67; | 345.67 | |
V variable = "12.34567"; | "12.34567" © | |
V variable = INIT_2i; | 12,34 | |
V variable = UniTuple3d(INIT_3d); | 5.6,7.8,9 |
input | Variable | |||||||||
type | value | bool | unsigned char | char | short | int | unsigned long | float | double | char-array |
bool | false | false | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "0" © | ||
bool | true | true | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | "1" © | ||
int | 123 | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
float | 12.345f | true | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12.345 | 12.345 | "12.345" © | ||
double | 3.14159265358979323846 | true | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3.14159 | 3.14159 | "3.14159" © | ||
double | 314.15926E-02 | true | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3.14159 | 3.14159 | "3.14159" © | ||
std::string | "Hello!" | false | H | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "Hello!" © | |
std::string | "true" | true | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "true" © | |
std::string | "false" | false | f | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "false" © | |
std::string | "3141592E-6" | true | Ø | 3 | -4136 | 3141592 | 3141592 | 3.14159 | 3.14159 | "3141592E-6" © |
const char * | "Test" | false | T | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "Test" © | |
const char * | "true" | true | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "true" © | |
const char * | "false" | false | f | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "false" © | |
UniTuple<2,int> | uni2i | true,true | ," | ," | 12,34 | 12,34 | 12,34 | 12,34 | 12,34 | "12,34" © |
UniTuple<3,double> | uni3d | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
void * | nullptr | false | n | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "nullptr" © | |
Variables... | ||||||||||
int i=123 | Variable(i) | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
int i=123 | FlexibleVariable(i) | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
int i=123 | Reference(i) | true | { | { | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 | "123" © |
std::string s("test") | Variable(s) | false | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "test" © | |
std::string s("test") | FlexibleVariable(s) | false | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "test" © | |
std::string s("test") | Reference(s) | false | t | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "test" © | |
UniTuple | Variable(uni3d) | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
UniTuple | FlexibleVariable(uni3d) | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
UniTuple | Reference(uni3d) | true,true,true | ,, | ,, | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5,7,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | 5.6,7.8,9 | "5.6,7.8,9" © |
See the documentation of drain::VariableT template specialized by drain::Variable, drain::Reference and drain::FlexibleVariable .
drain::DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF | ( | KeySelector | ) |
In future, the recommended way to define desired/accepted quantities is a comma-separated list of keys.
drain::DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF | ( | rack::RadarDataPicker< rack::PolarODIM > | ) |
This policy suggests typedef + spacialization for the actual classes, as well.
UnaryFunctor & getFunctor | ( | const std::string & | nameAndParams, |
char | separator = ',' |
) |
Returns functor the parameters of which have been set.
separator | - |
FunctorBank & getFunctorBank | ( | ) |
Shared functor bank
inline |
Array layout: elements (of the Sequence) will be separated by newline. Map layout {,}: unused - or something is going wrong. Pair layout : key=value String layout: plain, because keys are strings but not desired to be hyphenated. (Future extensions of Sprinter will separate keys and values?)
inline |
void drain::polynomialFit2nd | ( | const T & | src, |
const T & | weight, | ||
std::vector< double > & | coeff | ||
) |
Fits a 2nd order polynomial to a curve.
If matrix inversion fails (probablt due to undetectValue determinant), the std::runtime_error thrown by inverse() is passed through.
void drain::somToImage | ( | const Som< T > & | som, |
drain::image::Image & | image, | ||
int | width = 0 , |
int | height = 0 , |
const std::vector< int > & | channels = std::vector<int>() |
) |
Squared Euclidean distance for vectors and similar.
The Self-Organising Map by Teuvo Kohonen.
The template
The coordinates of the map apply matrix convention ie. map
[i][j] refers to element j on row i. The map is implemented a std::vector<vector<T> > . Generates a vector with values 0...255 sampled from uniform distribution. Utility to write contents of a vector SOM to a graylevel or RGB image.