Namespace for images and image processing tools. More...
Classes | |
class | AccumulationArray |
General-purpose image compositing. More... | |
struct | AccumulationConverter |
Converts raw data to values appropriate for accumulation. More... | |
class | AccumulationMethod |
Function for accumulating data: maximum, average, weighted average etc. More... | |
class | OverwriteMethod |
class | MaximumMethod |
class | MinimumMethod |
class | AverageMethod |
class | WeightedAverageMethod |
class | MaximumWeightMethod |
class | Accumulator |
class | AccumulatorGeo |
struct | AlignBase |
Low level alignment instructions. More... | |
struct | Alignment |
Container for Axis and Pos. More... | |
struct | AlignSVG |
User-friendly programming interface for alignment considering two elements. More... | |
struct | CompleteAlignment |
"Alternative" partial alignment configuration for single object. Partial means that either OBJECT itself or ANCHOR object is set. More... | |
class | LayoutSVG |
Higher level controller for setting alignments. More... | |
struct | AlignAdapterSVG |
Adapter designed for NodeSVG. More... | |
class | CoordinateHandler2D |
struct | EdgePolicy |
class | CoordinatePolicy |
Policies for coordinate underflows and overflows. More... | |
struct | Position |
struct | Direction |
class | DistanceElement |
class | DistanceModel |
Base class for linear and exponential distances in rectangular pixel images. More... | |
class | DistanceModelExponential |
class | DistanceModelLinear |
class | EdgeTracker |
Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More... | |
class | FileGeoTIFF |
class | FilePng |
For reading and writing images in PNG format. More... | |
class | FilePnm |
For reading and writing images in PNM format. More... | |
class | FileTIFF |
For writing images in basic TIFF format. Reading not supported currently. More... | |
class | GaussianWindowConf |
Extends WindowConfig with radius . More... | |
class | GaussianStripe |
class | GaussianStripeWeighted |
class | GeoInfo |
class | GeoFrame |
Array with georeferencing support. More... | |
class | ChannelGeometry |
class | Geometry |
class | ModifiableImage |
Image with modifiable geometry. More... | |
class | Image |
Class for multi-channel digital images. Supports dynamic typing with base types (char, int, float). More... | |
class | Channel |
Image with static geometry. More... | |
class | ChannelView |
View to a single channel. More... | |
class | MultiChannel |
Multi-channel ImageFrame. More... | |
class | Encoding |
class | ImageConf |
Struct for image (excluding data) More... | |
class | ImageFile |
class | ImageFrame |
Image with static geometry. More... | |
class | ImageLike |
A base class for images. More... | |
class | ImageT |
A template class for images with static storage type. More... | |
class | Tray |
Set of images, usable for general calls of type traverseFrame(src, dst) . More... | |
class | ImageTray |
Container applicable for Channels and Images, with alpha support. More... | |
class | ImageView |
ImageFrame that also has channels. More... | |
class | Intensity |
class | MagickDrain |
class | PaletteEntry |
Container for color, transparency (alpha) and textual id and description. Does not contain intensity thresholds (intervals). More... | |
struct | ProberControl |
Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More... | |
struct | SimpleProberControl |
struct | SamplePicker |
Interprets data values for Sampler. More... | |
class | ImageReader |
Reads image channels, returning scaled (physical) values. More... | |
class | Sampler |
Utility for sampling images (2D data), outputting formatted text data. More... | |
class | SegmentProberConf |
Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More... | |
class | SegmentProber |
A recursive method for visiting pixels of a segment in an image. More... | |
class | FillProber |
class | SizeProber |
class | SegmentStatistics |
A structure for accumulating coordinates and computing statistics thereof: area, centroid, horizontality, verticality, variance and elongation. More... | |
class | SegmentStatisticsProber |
A helper class applied by FloodFillOp and SegmentAreaOp. More... | |
class | SlidingWindow |
Window implementation that uses incremental update of state. More... | |
class | SlidingStripe |
A horizontal, one-dimensional SlidingWindow (Nx1). More... | |
struct | SuperProberConf |
Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More... | |
class | SuperProber |
A DIRECTED recursive method for visiting pixels of a segment in an image. More... | |
struct | svg |
class | BBoxSVG |
class | Transform |
class | TransformSVG |
class | NodeSVG |
struct | TreeUtilsSVG |
SVG classes marking requests of relative horizontal and vertical alignment. More... | |
class | TranslatorSVG |
class | BBoxRetrieverSVG |
class | RelativePathSetterSVG |
struct | GDAL |
class | NodeGDAL |
class | WindowConfig |
Base class for configurations applied in image processing windows, e.g. for operators of type WindowOp<WindowConfig> . More... | |
class | WindowCoreBase |
Container for source and target images, and their setters. More... | |
class | WindowCore |
Container for source and target images, and their setters. More... | |
class | WeightedWindowCore |
class | MultiChannelWindowCore |
class | Window |
Base class for windows applied by WindowOp's. More... | |
class | BlenderOp |
Smoothes image and mixes the result with the original. More... | |
class | CatenatorOp |
Operator for concatenating images vertically or as channels. More... | |
class | ChannelCatenatorOp |
class | VerticalCatenatorOp |
class | CopyFunctor |
class | CopyOp |
class | CropOp |
class | DifferentialOp |
Virtual base class for horizontal and vertical intensity derivatives. More... | |
class | GradientOp |
Computes spatial horizontal derivatives (dx and dy). More... | |
class | GradientHorzOp |
class | GradientVertOp |
class | LaplaceOp |
Computes second intensity derivatives. More... | |
class | LaplaceHorzOp |
Computes second horizontal derivative, dx2. More... | |
class | LaplaceVertOp |
Computes second vertical derivative, dy2. More... | |
class | DistanceTransformFillOp |
Template for DistanceTransformFillLinearOp and DistanceTransformFillExponentialOp. More... | |
class | DistanceTransformFillLinearOp |
Spreeads values using inverse linear distance transform. More... | |
class | DistanceTransformFillExponentialOp |
class | DistanceTransformOp |
class | DistanceTransformLinearOp |
Computes inverse linear distance to bright points. More... | |
class | DistanceTransformExponentialOp |
class | SlidingStripeAverage |
Stripe window for computing averages. More... | |
class | SlidingStripeAverageWeighted |
Stripe window for computing weight averages. More... | |
class | FastAverageOp |
Sliding window averaging operator with optional weighting support. More... | |
class | FastAverageWeightedOp |
Utility for explicitly. More... | |
class | OpticalFlowConfig |
Consider using SlidingStripeOpticalFlow instead. More... | |
class | OpticalFlowCore |
class | OpticalFlowCore1 |
class | SlidingOpticalFlow |
class | SlidingOpticalFlowWeighted |
class | FastOpticalFlowOp |
class | OpticalFlowCore2 |
class | SlidingOpticalFlow2 |
Currently not in use. See SlidingOpticalFlowWeighted2 below. More... | |
class | SlidingOpticalFlowWeighted2 |
class | FastOpticalFlow2Op |
class | FloodFillOp |
A fill operation for one color. More... | |
class | FlowAverageWindow |
Window average that preserves the magnitude. More... | |
class | FlowAverageWindowWeighted |
class | FlowAverageOp |
Window average that preserves the magnitude. More... | |
struct | FunctorWrapper |
Helper class that only ensures that functor is initialized before ImageOp. More... | |
class | FunctorOp |
Class for using simple function objects (like std::functor) for sequential pixel iteration. More... | |
class | UnaryFunctorOp |
Class for using simple function objects (like std::functor) for sequential pixel iteration. More... | |
class | BinaryFunctorOp |
Class for using two-parameter function objects (like std::functor) for sequential and spatial pixel iteration. More... | |
class | GammaFunctor |
Gamma correction. Intensity is mapped as f' = f^(gamma) More... | |
class | GaussianAverageOp |
Sliding window averaging operator with optional weighting support. More... | |
class | HighBoostOp |
Enhances details by mixing original image and result of HighPassOp op. More... | |
class | HighPassOp |
Finds details at one-pixel scale, defined as difference of image and its low-pass filtered copy. More... | |
class | ImageMod |
Class for operations that modify an existing image instead of producing a new image. More... | |
class | ImageChannels |
class | ImageCoordPolicy |
class | ImageEncoding |
Changes the type of a target image. More... | |
class | ImageFill |
class | ImageHistogram |
class | ImageGeometry |
class | ImagePlot |
Plots a single value in an image. The value will be scaled; notice that alpha channel is scaled by default. More... | |
class | ImagePlotFile |
class | ImageBox |
Plots a single value in an image. The value will be scaled; notice that alpha channel is scaled by default. More... | |
class | ImageSampler |
Traverses image, returning samples. More... | |
class | ImageOp |
Base class for image processing functions. More... | |
class | ImageOpInstaller |
class | ImageOpCloner |
class | UnaryFunctorOpCloner |
class | BinaryFunctorOpCloner |
class | NegateOp |
class | ImageOpBank |
class | Decay2 |
struct | Decay4 |
struct | ImpulseAvgConf |
class | ImpulseAvg |
Averaging operator. A simple example implementation of ImpulseBucket. More... | |
class | ImpulseBucket |
class | ImpulseResponseOpBase |
class | ImpulseResponseOp |
A fill operation for one color. More... | |
class | MarginalStatisticOp |
Computes horizontal or vertical intensity statistics: iAverage, sum, ... More... | |
class | MotionExtrapolatorOp |
class | MotionIllustratorOp |
class | MultiThresholdOp |
class | PaletteOp |
Colorizes an image of 1 channel to an image of N channels by using a palette image as a lookup table. More... | |
class | PixelVectorOp |
A base class for operations between of multi-channel pixels (intensity vectors) of two images. More... | |
class | GrayOp |
class | BinaryPixelVectorOp |
class | DistanceOp |
Computes the distance between intensity vectors. More... | |
class | ProductOp |
Computes dot product of intensities of two images. More... | |
class | MagnitudeOp |
Computes pixel magnitude, that is, euclidean norm of the intensity vector. More... | |
class | QuadTreeOp |
QuadTrees the image, stretching the image correspondingly. More... | |
class | QualityMixerOp |
Overwrites pixels of destination image in locations where destination weight is lower. More... | |
class | QualityOp |
class | QualityThresholdOp |
class | QualityOverrideOp |
Overwrites pixels of destination image in locations where destination weight is lower. More... | |
class | QuantizatorFunctor |
TODO: CopyOP should be quite similar. More... | |
class | RecomposeOp |
Create vertical image composed of separate views. More... | |
class | ResizeOp |
Resizes the image, stretching the image correspondingly. More... | |
class | RunLengthOp |
Base class for RunLengthHorzOp and RunLengthVertOp. More... | |
class | RunLengthHorzOp |
Computes lengths of horizontal segments. More... | |
class | RunLengthVertOp |
Computes lengths of vertical segments. More... | |
class | SegmentAreaOp |
Computes sizes of connected pixel areas. More... | |
class | SegmentOp |
A base class for computing statistics of segments. As segment is an area of connected pixels. More... | |
class | SegmentStatisticsOp |
Computes statistics of segments: area, centroid, horizontality, verticality, variance and elongation. Segment is an area of connected pixels. More... | |
class | SeparableWindowOp |
Sliding window averaging operator with optional weighting support. More... | |
struct | HistogramConfig |
class | HistogramWindowConfig |
class | SlidingWindowHistogram |
Base class for median and str histogram based statistics. More... | |
class | SlidingWindowHistogramWeighted |
class | SlidingWindowHistogramOp |
Window histogram for computing [asmdvNX] = iAverage, sum, median, stddev, variance, miN, maX. More... | |
class | SlidingWindowMedian |
class | SlidingWindowMedianWeighted |
class | SlidingWindowMedianOp |
class | SlidingWindowOp |
Template for operators applying pipeline-like sliding window. More... | |
class | SuperProberOp |
A base class for computing statistics of segments. As segment is an area of connected pixels. More... | |
class | TransparentOp |
class | TransposeOp |
Transpose operator. Swaps the intensities over the diagonal exis. More... | |
class | WindowOp |
Typedefs | |
typedef drain::Bank< AccumulationMethod > | AccMethodBank |
typedef unsigned int | coord_overflow_t |
typedef drain::GlobalFlags<CoordinatePolicy> coord_overflow_flagger_t; | |
typedef PseudoTuple< Position > | PositionTuple |
typedef std::vector< DistanceElement > | DistanceNeighbourhood |
typedef std::list< drain::image::Position > | Contour |
typedef Frame2D< size_t > | AreaGeometry |
typedef drain::UnorderedMultiTree< NodeSVG, false, NodeXML<>::path_t > | TreeSVG |
typedef drain::SelectorXML | SelectSVG |
typedef drain::UnorderedMultiTree< image::NodeGDAL > | TreeGDAL |
Functions | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AccumulationArray &accArray) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AccumulationConverter &converter) |
AccMethodBank & | getAccMethodBank () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Accumulator &accumulator) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AccumulatorGeo &accumulator) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (AlignSVG::HorzAlign) | |
DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (AlignBase::Axis) | |
DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (AlignBase::Pos) | |
template<typename AX , AlignBase::Axis V> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Alignment< AX, V > &align) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AlignSVG &align) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (AlignSVG::HorzAlign) | |
template<typename AX , AlignBase::Axis A> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CompleteAlignment< AX, A > &ad) |
DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (LayoutSVG::Direction) | |
DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (LayoutSVG::GroupType) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CoordinateHandler2D &handler) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CoordinatePolicy &policy) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Position &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DistanceElement &d) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DistanceNeighbourhood &chain) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (DistanceModelExponential) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (DistanceModelExponential) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (DistanceModelLinear) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (DistanceModelLinear) | |
template<class S , class D > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const EdgeTracker< S, D > &prober) |
void | readHeader (png_struct &png, png_info &info, ImageConf &conf) |
TODO: allow plain header read? | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const GeoFrame &frame) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Image &image) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageConf &conf) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageFrame &src) |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Tray< T > &tray) |
template<class T > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageTray< T > &tray) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const PaletteEntry &entry) |
template<class S , class D , class C > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SegmentProber< S, D, C > &prober) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SegmentStatistics &s) |
template<class T , class D > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SegmentStatisticsProber< T, D > &prober) |
template<size_t N> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, Transform< N > &tr) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (WindowConfig) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (WindowCoreBase) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (WeightedWindowCore) | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const WindowConfig &conf) |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (WindowConfig) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (WindowCore) | |
DRAIN_TYPENAME (WeightedWindowCore) | |
template<class P , class R > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::image::Window< P, R > &w) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageOp &op) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageOpBank &bank) |
ImageOpBank & | getImageOpBank () |
template<class T > | |
void | installImageOps (T &installer) |
void | QDTshrinkBy2 (const Image &src, Image &dst) |
void | QDTexpand (const Image &src, Image &dst) |
void | QDTmatch (const Image &img1, const Image &img2, Image &u, Image &v) |
Log & | getImgLog () |
Variables | |
Alignment | test (drain::image::AlignSVG::LEFT) |
Alignment | test2 = drain::image::AlignSVG::LEFT |
Namespace for images and image processing tools.
General debugging // TODO: move to more general place.
Namespace for images and image processing tools.
ImageOpBank & getImageOpBank | ( | ) |
Shared ImageOp bank
void drain::image::installImageOps | ( | T & | installer | ) |
Binary functors - operations on two inputs
Fuzzy remapping ops. See examples in drain/util/Fuzzy.h
Differential ops