Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
drain::image Namespace Reference

Namespace for images and image processing tools. More...


class  AccumulationArray
 General-purpose image compositing. More...
struct  AccumulationConverter
 Converts raw data to values appropriate for accumulation. More...
class  AccumulationMethod
 Function for accumulating data: maximum, average, weighted average etc. More...
class  OverwriteMethod
class  MaximumMethod
class  MinimumMethod
class  AverageMethod
class  WeightedAverageMethod
class  MaximumWeightMethod
class  Accumulator
class  AccumulatorGeo
struct  AlignBase
 Low level alignment instructions. More...
struct  Alignment
 Container for Axis and Pos. More...
struct  AlignSVG
 User-friendly programming interface for alignment considering two elements. More...
struct  CompleteAlignment
 "Alternative" partial alignment configuration for single object. Partial means that either OBJECT itself or ANCHOR object is set. More...
class  LayoutSVG
 Higher level controller for setting alignments. More...
struct  AlignAdapterSVG
 Adapter designed for NodeSVG. More...
class  CoordinateHandler2D
struct  EdgePolicy
class  CoordinatePolicy
 Policies for coordinate underflows and overflows. More...
struct  Position
struct  Direction
class  DistanceElement
class  DistanceModel
 Base class for linear and exponential distances in rectangular pixel images. More...
class  DistanceModelExponential
class  DistanceModelLinear
class  EdgeTracker
 Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More...
class  FileGeoTIFF
class  FilePng
 For reading and writing images in PNG format. More...
class  FilePnm
 For reading and writing images in PNM format. More...
class  FileTIFF
 For writing images in basic TIFF format. Reading not supported currently. More...
class  GaussianWindowConf
 Extends WindowConfig with radius. More...
class  GaussianStripe
class  GaussianStripeWeighted
class  GeoInfo
class  GeoFrame
 Array with georeferencing support. More...
class  ChannelGeometry
class  Geometry
class  ModifiableImage
 Image with modifiable geometry. More...
class  Image
 Class for multi-channel digital images. Supports dynamic typing with base types (char, int, float). More...
class  Channel
 Image with static geometry. More...
class  ChannelView
 View to a single channel. More...
class  MultiChannel
 Multi-channel ImageFrame. More...
class  Encoding
class  ImageConf
 Struct for image (excluding data) More...
class  ImageFile
class  ImageFrame
 Image with static geometry. More...
class  ImageLike
 A base class for images. More...
class  ImageT
 A template class for images with static storage type. More...
class  Tray
 Set of images, usable for general calls of type traverseFrame(src, dst) . More...
class  ImageTray
 Container applicable for Channels and Images, with alpha support. More...
class  ImageView
 ImageFrame that also has channels. More...
class  Intensity
class  MagickDrain
class  PaletteEntry
 Container for color, transparency (alpha) and textual id and description. Does not contain intensity thresholds (intervals). More...
struct  ProberControl
 Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More...
struct  SimpleProberControl
struct  SamplePicker
 Interprets data values for Sampler. More...
class  ImageReader
 Reads image channels, returning scaled (physical) values. More...
class  Sampler
 Utility for sampling images (2D data), outputting formatted text data. More...
class  SegmentProberConf
 Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More...
class  SegmentProber
 A recursive method for visiting pixels of a segment in an image. More...
class  FillProber
class  SizeProber
class  SegmentStatistics
 A structure for accumulating coordinates and computing statistics thereof: area, centroid, horizontality, verticality, variance and elongation. More...
class  SegmentStatisticsProber
 A helper class applied by FloodFillOp and SegmentAreaOp. More...
class  SlidingWindow
 Window implementation that uses incremental update of state. More...
class  SlidingStripe
 A horizontal, one-dimensional SlidingWindow (Nx1). More...
struct  SuperProberConf
 Container for parameters of SegmentProber. More...
class  SuperProber
 A DIRECTED recursive method for visiting pixels of a segment in an image. More...
struct  svg
class  BBoxSVG
class  Transform
class  TransformSVG
class  NodeSVG
struct  TreeUtilsSVG
 SVG classes marking requests of relative horizontal and vertical alignment. More...
class  TranslatorSVG
class  BBoxRetrieverSVG
class  RelativePathSetterSVG
struct  GDAL
class  NodeGDAL
class  WindowConfig
 Base class for configurations applied in image processing windows, e.g. for operators of type WindowOp<WindowConfig> . More...
class  WindowCoreBase
 Container for source and target images, and their setters. More...
class  WindowCore
 Container for source and target images, and their setters. More...
class  WeightedWindowCore
class  MultiChannelWindowCore
class  Window
 Base class for windows applied by WindowOp's. More...
class  BlenderOp
 Smoothes image and mixes the result with the original. More...
class  CatenatorOp
 Operator for concatenating images vertically or as channels. More...
class  ChannelCatenatorOp
class  VerticalCatenatorOp
class  CopyFunctor
class  CopyOp
class  CropOp
class  DifferentialOp
 Virtual base class for horizontal and vertical intensity derivatives. More...
class  GradientOp
 Computes spatial horizontal derivatives (dx and dy). More...
class  GradientHorzOp
class  GradientVertOp
class  LaplaceOp
 Computes second intensity derivatives. More...
class  LaplaceHorzOp
 Computes second horizontal derivative, dx2. More...
class  LaplaceVertOp
 Computes second vertical derivative, dy2. More...
class  DistanceTransformFillOp
 Template for DistanceTransformFillLinearOp and DistanceTransformFillExponentialOp. More...
class  DistanceTransformFillLinearOp
 Spreeads values using inverse linear distance transform. More...
class  DistanceTransformFillExponentialOp
class  DistanceTransformOp
class  DistanceTransformLinearOp
 Computes inverse linear distance to bright points. More...
class  DistanceTransformExponentialOp
class  SlidingStripeAverage
 Stripe window for computing averages. More...
class  SlidingStripeAverageWeighted
 Stripe window for computing weight averages. More...
class  FastAverageOp
 Sliding window averaging operator with optional weighting support. More...
class  FastAverageWeightedOp
 Utility for explicitly. More...
class  OpticalFlowConfig
 Consider using SlidingStripeOpticalFlow instead. More...
class  OpticalFlowCore
class  OpticalFlowCore1
class  SlidingOpticalFlow
class  SlidingOpticalFlowWeighted
class  FastOpticalFlowOp
class  OpticalFlowCore2
class  SlidingOpticalFlow2
 Currently not in use. See SlidingOpticalFlowWeighted2 below. More...
class  SlidingOpticalFlowWeighted2
class  FastOpticalFlow2Op
class  FloodFillOp
 A fill operation for one color. More...
class  FlowAverageWindow
 Window average that preserves the magnitude. More...
class  FlowAverageWindowWeighted
class  FlowAverageOp
 Window average that preserves the magnitude. More...
struct  FunctorWrapper
 Helper class that only ensures that functor is initialized before ImageOp. More...
class  FunctorOp
 Class for using simple function objects (like std::functor) for sequential pixel iteration. More...
class  UnaryFunctorOp
 Class for using simple function objects (like std::functor) for sequential pixel iteration. More...
class  BinaryFunctorOp
 Class for using two-parameter function objects (like std::functor) for sequential and spatial pixel iteration. More...
class  GammaFunctor
 Gamma correction. Intensity is mapped as f' = f^(gamma) More...
class  GaussianAverageOp
 Sliding window averaging operator with optional weighting support. More...
class  HighBoostOp
 Enhances details by mixing original image and result of HighPassOp op. More...
class  HighPassOp
 Finds details at one-pixel scale, defined as difference of image and its low-pass filtered copy. More...
class  ImageMod
 Class for operations that modify an existing image instead of producing a new image. More...
class  ImageChannels
class  ImageCoordPolicy
class  ImageEncoding
 Changes the type of a target image. More...
class  ImageFill
class  ImageHistogram
class  ImageGeometry
class  ImagePlot
 Plots a single value in an image. The value will be scaled; notice that alpha channel is scaled by default. More...
class  ImagePlotFile
class  ImageBox
 Plots a single value in an image. The value will be scaled; notice that alpha channel is scaled by default. More...
class  ImageSampler
 Traverses image, returning samples. More...
class  ImageOp
 Base class for image processing functions. More...
class  ImageOpInstaller
class  ImageOpCloner
class  UnaryFunctorOpCloner
class  BinaryFunctorOpCloner
class  NegateOp
class  ImageOpBank
class  Decay2
struct  Decay4
struct  ImpulseAvgConf
class  ImpulseAvg
 Averaging operator. A simple example implementation of ImpulseBucket. More...
class  ImpulseBucket
class  ImpulseResponseOpBase
class  ImpulseResponseOp
 A fill operation for one color. More...
class  MarginalStatisticOp
 Computes horizontal or vertical intensity statistics: iAverage, sum, ... More...
class  MotionExtrapolatorOp
class  MotionIllustratorOp
class  MultiThresholdOp
class  PaletteOp
 Colorizes an image of 1 channel to an image of N channels by using a palette image as a lookup table. More...
class  PixelVectorOp
 A base class for operations between of multi-channel pixels (intensity vectors) of two images. More...
class  GrayOp
class  BinaryPixelVectorOp
class  DistanceOp
 Computes the distance between intensity vectors. More...
class  ProductOp
 Computes dot product of intensities of two images. More...
class  MagnitudeOp
 Computes pixel magnitude, that is, euclidean norm of the intensity vector. More...
class  QuadTreeOp
 QuadTrees the image, stretching the image correspondingly. More...
class  QualityMixerOp
 Overwrites pixels of destination image in locations where destination weight is lower. More...
class  QualityOp
class  QualityThresholdOp
class  QualityOverrideOp
 Overwrites pixels of destination image in locations where destination weight is lower. More...
class  QuantizatorFunctor
 TODO: CopyOP should be quite similar. More...
class  RecomposeOp
 Create vertical image composed of separate views. More...
class  ResizeOp
 Resizes the image, stretching the image correspondingly. More...
class  RunLengthOp
 Base class for RunLengthHorzOp and RunLengthVertOp. More...
class  RunLengthHorzOp
 Computes lengths of horizontal segments. More...
class  RunLengthVertOp
 Computes lengths of vertical segments. More...
class  SegmentAreaOp
 Computes sizes of connected pixel areas. More...
class  SegmentOp
 A base class for computing statistics of segments. As segment is an area of connected pixels. More...
class  SegmentStatisticsOp
 Computes statistics of segments: area, centroid, horizontality, verticality, variance and elongation. Segment is an area of connected pixels. More...
class  SeparableWindowOp
 Sliding window averaging operator with optional weighting support. More...
struct  HistogramConfig
class  HistogramWindowConfig
class  SlidingWindowHistogram
 Base class for median and str histogram based statistics. More...
class  SlidingWindowHistogramWeighted
class  SlidingWindowHistogramOp
 Window histogram for computing [asmdvNX] = iAverage, sum, median, stddev, variance, miN, maX. More...
class  SlidingWindowMedian
class  SlidingWindowMedianWeighted
class  SlidingWindowMedianOp
class  SlidingWindowOp
 Template for operators applying pipeline-like sliding window. More...
class  SuperProberOp
 A base class for computing statistics of segments. As segment is an area of connected pixels. More...
class  TransparentOp
class  TransposeOp
 Transpose operator. Swaps the intensities over the diagonal exis. More...
class  WindowOp


typedef drain::Bank< AccumulationMethodAccMethodBank
typedef unsigned int coord_overflow_t
 typedef drain::GlobalFlags<CoordinatePolicy> coord_overflow_flagger_t;
typedef PseudoTuple< PositionPositionTuple
typedef std::vector< DistanceElementDistanceNeighbourhood
typedef std::list< drain::image::PositionContour
typedef Frame2D< size_t > AreaGeometry
typedef drain::UnorderedMultiTree< NodeSVG, false, NodeXML<>::path_t > TreeSVG
typedef drain::SelectorXML SelectSVG
typedef drain::UnorderedMultiTree< image::NodeGDALTreeGDAL


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AccumulationArray &accArray)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AccumulationConverter &converter)
AccMethodBankgetAccMethodBank ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Accumulator &accumulator)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AccumulatorGeo &accumulator)
template<typename AX , AlignBase::Axis V>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Alignment< AX, V > &align)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const AlignSVG &align)
template<typename AX , AlignBase::Axis A>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CompleteAlignment< AX, A > &ad)
 DRAIN_ENUM_OSTREAM (LayoutSVG::Direction)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CoordinateHandler2D &handler)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CoordinatePolicy &policy)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Position &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DistanceElement &d)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const DistanceNeighbourhood &chain)
 DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (DistanceModelExponential)
 DRAIN_TYPENAME (DistanceModelExponential)
 DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (DistanceModelLinear)
 DRAIN_TYPENAME (DistanceModelLinear)
template<class S , class D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const EdgeTracker< S, D > &prober)
void readHeader (png_struct &png, png_info &info, ImageConf &conf)
 TODO: allow plain header read?
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const GeoFrame &frame)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Image &image)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageConf &conf)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageFrame &src)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Tray< T > &tray)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageTray< T > &tray)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const PaletteEntry &entry)
template<class S , class D , class C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SegmentProber< S, D, C > &prober)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SegmentStatistics &s)
template<class T , class D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const SegmentStatisticsProber< T, D > &prober)
template<size_t N>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, Transform< N > &tr)
 DRAIN_TYPENAME_DEF (WeightedWindowCore)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const WindowConfig &conf)
 DRAIN_TYPENAME (WindowConfig)
 DRAIN_TYPENAME (WeightedWindowCore)
template<class P , class R >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const drain::image::Window< P, R > &w)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageOp &op)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const ImageOpBank &bank)
ImageOpBankgetImageOpBank ()
template<class T >
void installImageOps (T &installer)
void QDTshrinkBy2 (const Image &src, Image &dst)
void QDTexpand (const Image &src, Image &dst)
void QDTmatch (const Image &img1, const Image &img2, Image &u, Image &v)
LoggetImgLog ()


Alignment test (drain::image::AlignSVG::LEFT)
Alignment test2 = drain::image::AlignSVG::LEFT

Detailed Description

Namespace for images and image processing tools.

General debugging // TODO: move to more general place.

Namespace for images and image processing tools.

Function Documentation

◆ getImageOpBank()

ImageOpBank & getImageOpBank ( )

Shared ImageOp bank

◆ installImageOps()

void drain::image::installImageOps ( T &  installer)

Binary functors - operations on two inputs

Fuzzy remapping ops. See examples in drain/util/Fuzzy.h

Differential ops

◆ QDTmatch()

void drain::image::QDTmatch ( const Image img1,
const Image img2,
Image u,
Image v 

Iterate 3 x 3 displacements