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GeoFrame Class Reference

Array with georeferencing support. More...

#include <GeoFrame.h>

Inheritance diagram for GeoFrame:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for GeoFrame:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 GeoFrame (unsigned int width=0, unsigned int height=0)
 Default constructor.
void reset ()
bool projectionIsSet () const
 Returns true, if the geographical extent has been set.
bool geometryIsSet () const
 Return true, if array area is greater than zero.
bool bboxIsSet () const
 Returns true, if the bounding box (geographical extent) has been set. More...
bool isDefined () const
 Returns true, if the projection, array area and geographical extent bounding box has been set. More...
virtual void setGeometry (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
int getFrameWidth () const
 Return the nominal width, not the width of the memory array which does not have to be allocated.
int getFrameHeight () const
 Return the nominal height, not the height of the memory array which does not have to be allocated.
void setBoundingBox (double lonLL, double latLL, double lonUR, double latUR)
 Sets bounding box in degrees OR in metres in the target coordinate system. More...
void setBoundingBox (const drain::Rectangle< double > &bbox)
 Sets bounding box in degrees in the target coordinate system.
void setBoundingBoxD (double lonLL, double latLL, double lonUR, double latUR)
 Sets bounding box in degrees in the target coordinate system.
void setBoundingBoxD (const drain::Rectangle< double > &bboxD)
 Sets bounding box in degrees in the target coordinate system.
void setBoundingBoxR (double lonLL, double latLL, double lonUR, double latUR)
 Sets bounding box in radians in the target coordinate system.
void setBoundingBoxR (const drain::Rectangle< double > &bboxR)
 Sets bounding box in radians in the target coordinate system.
void setBoundingBoxM (double xLL, double yLL, double xUR, double yUR)
 Sets bounding box in meters in the target coordinate system. More...
void setBoundingBoxM (const drain::UniTuple< double, 4 > &bboxM)
 Sets bounding box in meters in the target coordinate system.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & getBoundingBoxDeg () const
 Returns the geographical scope in Degrees.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & getBoundingBoxNat () const
 Returns the geographical scope in Meters.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & getBoundingBoxRad () const
 Returns the geographical scope in Radians.
void getCenterPixel (drain::Rectangle< double > &pixelD) const
double getXScale () const
 Return horizontal resolution of a pixel in meters (if metric) or degrees (if unprojected, "latlon").
double getYScale () const
 Return vertical resolution of a pixel in meters (if metric) or degrees (if unprojected, "latlon").
void cropWithM (drain::Rectangle< double > &bboxM)
 Crops the initial bounding box with a given bounding box.
void cropWithM (double xLL, double yLL, double xUR, double yUR)
 Crops the initial bounding box with a given bounding box. More...
virtual void deg2pix (double lon, double lat, int &i, int &j) const
 Projects geographic coordinates to image coordinates.
void deg2pix (const drain::Point2D< double > &loc, drain::Point2D< int > &pix) const
 Project geographic coordinates to image coordinates.
virtual void deg2m (double lon, double lat, double &x, double &y) const
 Convert metric coordinates to degrees.
void deg2m (const drain::Point2D< double > &pDeg, drain::Point2D< double > &pMet) const
virtual void pix2deg (int i, int j, double &lon, double &lat) const
 Calculates the geographic coordinates of the center of a pixel at (i,j).
virtual void pix2rad (int i, int j, double &lon, double &lat) const
 Calculates the geographic coordinates [rad] of the center of a pixel at (i,j).
void pix2deg (const drain::Point2D< int > &pix, drain::Point2D< double > &loc) const
 Calculates the geographic coordinates of the center of a pixel at (i,j).
virtual void pix2LLdeg (int i, int j, double &lon, double &lat) const
 Calculates the geographic coordinates of the lower left corner of a pixel at (i,j).
virtual void m2deg (double x, double y, double &lon, double &lat) const
 Convert metric coordinates to degrees.
virtual void m2deg (const drain::Point2D< double > &pMetric, drain::Point2D< double > &pDeg) const
 Convert metric coordinates to degrees.
virtual void m2pix (double x, double y, int &i, int &j) const
 Scales geographic map coordinates to image coordinates. More...
virtual void m2pix (const drain::Point2D< double > &pMetric, drain::Point2D< int > &pImage) const
virtual void pix2m (int i, int j, double &x, double &y) const
 Scales image coordinates (i,j) to geographic map coordinates (x,y) in the pixel centres. More...
virtual void pix2m (const drain::Point2D< int > &pImage, drain::Point2D< double > &pMetric) const
virtual void pix2LLm (int i, int j, double &x, double &y) const
 Scales image coordinates (i,j) to geographic map coordinates (x,y) of the lower left corner pixel. More...
void setProjection (const std::string &projDef)
 Sets the projection of the image as a Proj string.
void setProjectionEPSG (int epsg)
 Sets the projection of the image as a EPSG code.
void updateProjection ()
 Updates bboxes, if needed.
const std::string & getProjection () const
 Returns the projection of the composite image as a proj4 std::string.
const std::string & getCoordinateSystem () const
 Returns the source projection (should be radian array, lon & lat).
const drain::Rectangle< double > & getDataBBoxNat () const
 Return the actual geographical boundingBox suggested by implied by input data.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & getDataOverlapBBoxNat () const
 Return the common overlapping geographical area (intersection) implied by input data.
void updateDataExtentDeg (const drain::Rectangle< double > &inputBBoxDeg)
 Extend to include this input. More...
void updateDataExtentNat (const drain::Rectangle< double > &inputBBoxNat)
bool isLongLat () const
virtual std::ostream & toStream (std::ostream &ostr) const

Public Attributes

drain::Proj6 projGeo2Native
 Radial to metric.

Protected Member Functions

void updateBoundingBoxR ()
 Proj 6 NEW: Given BBox in geo coords [deg], adjust geo coords [rad]. More...
void updateBoundingBoxD ()
 Given BBox in geo coords [rad], adjust geo coords [deg]. More...
void updateBoundingBoxM ()
 Given BBox in geo coords [rad], adjust metric bounding box. Do not update xScale or yScale.
void updateScaling ()
 Geometric scaling. More...

Protected Attributes

int frameWidth
int frameHeight
drain::Rectangle< double > bBoxR
 Geographical scope in Radians.
drain::Rectangle< double > bBoxD
 Geographical scope in Degrees.
drain::Rectangle< double > bBoxNative
 Geographical scope in meters, or degrees in case of long/lat.
drain::Rectangle< double > dataBBoxNat
 For deriving extent (~union) of input data.
drain::Rectangle< double > dataOverlapBBoxNat
 For deriving common extent (~intersection) of input data.
double xScale = 0.0
 Utility for deriving extent (degrees) required by input data. More...
double yScale = 0.0

Detailed Description

Array with georeferencing support.

Member Function Documentation

◆ bboxIsSet()

bool bboxIsSet ( ) const

Returns true, if the bounding box (geographical extent) has been set.

Problem: sometimes bbox will be initisalized to negative "direction" to make it adapt to a (set of) new bounding box(es).

◆ cropWithM()

void cropWithM ( double  xLL,
double  yLL,
double  xUR,
double  yUR 

Crops the initial bounding box with a given bounding box.

Reset area and rescale

◆ isDefined()

bool isDefined ( ) const

Returns true, if the projection, array area and geographical extent bounding box has been set.

This function is used in creating single-radar products where the bounding box will be matched to that of the radar scope, by default.

◆ m2pix()

virtual void m2pix ( double  x,
double  y,
int &  i,
int &  j 
) const

Scales geographic map coordinates to image coordinates.

x - horizontal map coordinate in meters
y - vertical map coordinate in meters
i - horizontal image coordinate
j - vertical image coordinate
Note that i increases to right, j downwards.

◆ pix2LLm()

virtual void pix2LLm ( int  i,
int  j,
double &  x,
double &  y 
) const

Scales image coordinates (i,j) to geographic map coordinates (x,y) of the lower left corner pixel.

i - horizontal image coordinate
j - vertical image coordinate
x - horizontal map coordinate in meters
y - vertical map coordinate in meters
Note that i increases to right, j downwards.

◆ pix2m()

virtual void pix2m ( int  i,
int  j,
double &  x,
double &  y 
) const

Scales image coordinates (i,j) to geographic map coordinates (x,y) in the pixel centres.

i - horizontal image coordinate
j - vertical image coordinate
x - horizontal map coordinate in meters
y - vertical map coordinate in meters
Note that i increases to right, j downwards.

◆ setBoundingBox()

void setBoundingBox ( double  lonLL,
double  latLL,
double  lonUR,
double  latUR 

Sets bounding box in degrees OR in metres in the target coordinate system.

Checks if a coordinate looks like degrees, that is, longitude is within [-90,+90] and latitude within [-180,+180]. Assumes that small absolute values suggest degrees, larger are metres. Projection has to be set prior to setting metric bbox.

◆ setBoundingBoxM()

void setBoundingBoxM ( double  xLL,
double  yLL,
double  xUR,
double  yUR 

Sets bounding box in meters in the target coordinate system.

Set exact metric bbox

◆ updateBoundingBoxD()

void updateBoundingBoxD ( )

Given BBox in geo coords [rad], adjust geo coords [deg].

Return vertical resolution of a pixel in meters (if metric) or degrees (if unprojected, "latlon").

Return vertical resolution of a pixel in meters (if metric) or degrees (if unprojected, "latlon"). Assuming up-to-date bbox [rad], adjust bbox [deg]

◆ updateBoundingBoxR()

void updateBoundingBoxR ( )

Proj 6 NEW: Given BBox in geo coords [deg], adjust geo coords [rad].

Assuming up-to-date bbox [rad], adjust bbox [deg].

◆ updateDataExtentDeg()

void updateDataExtentDeg ( const drain::Rectangle< double > &  inputBBoxDeg)

Extend to include this input.

Book keeping of input bbox.

◆ updateDataExtentNat()

void updateDataExtentNat ( const drain::Rectangle< double > &  inputBBoxNat)

Native means that rectangular shapes will not be distorted.

◆ updateScaling()

void updateScaling ( )

Geometric scaling.

Notice: changed! For LatLon, consider approx? See composite.

Member Data Documentation

◆ xScale

double xScale = 0.0

Utility for deriving extent (degrees) required by input data.

Utility for deriving extent (degrees) required by input data

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