virtual void | setGeometry (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) |
virtual void | allocate () |
| This should be called after setGeometry, unless the projection is used as a frame.
void | reset () |
void | addUnprojected (double lon, double lat, double value, double weight) |
virtual std::ostream & | toStream (std::ostream &ostr) const |
| Accumulator () |
| Accumulator (const Accumulator &acc) |
void | setMethod (const std::string &method) |
| Set method to some of the predefined methods.
void | setMethod (const std::string &name, const std::string ¶ms) |
| Set method to some of the predefined methods.
void | setMethod (const AccumulationMethod &method) |
| Copies the method and its parameters. More...
bool | isMethodSet () const |
const AccumulationMethod & | getMethod () const |
AccumulationMethod & | getMethod () |
void | add (const size_t i, double value, double weight) |
| Adds decoded data that applies natural scaling.
void | add (const size_t i, double value, double weight, unsigned int count) |
| Adds decoded data that applies natural scaling.
void | addData (const Image &src, const AccumulationConverter &converter, double weight=1.0, int iOffset=0, int jOffset=0) |
| Add (accumulate) data with given prior weight. More...
void | addData (const Image &src, const Image &srcQuality, const AccumulationConverter &converter, double weight=1.0, int iOffset=0, int jOffset=0) |
| Add (accumulate) data weighted with input quality. More...
void | addData (const Image &src, const Image &srcQuality, const Image &srcCount, const AccumulationConverter &converter) |
| Add (accumulate) data weighted with input quality and count; each data(i,j) contributes count(i,j) times. More...
void | extractField (char field, const AccumulationConverter &converter, Image &dst, const drain::Rectangle< int > &crop) const |
| Extracts the accumulated quantity or secondary quantities like weight and standard deviation. More...
| GeoFrame (unsigned int width=0, unsigned int height=0) |
| Default constructor.
void | reset () |
bool | projectionIsSet () const |
| Returns true, if the geographical extent has been set.
bool | geometryIsSet () const |
| Return true, if array area is greater than zero.
bool | bboxIsSet () const |
| Returns true, if the bounding box (geographical extent) has been set. More...
bool | isDefined () const |
| Returns true, if the projection, array area and geographical extent bounding box has been set. More...
int | getFrameWidth () const |
| Return the nominal width, not the width of the memory array which does not have to be allocated.
int | getFrameHeight () const |
| Return the nominal height, not the height of the memory array which does not have to be allocated.
void | setBoundingBox (double lonLL, double latLL, double lonUR, double latUR) |
| Sets bounding box in degrees OR in metres in the target coordinate system. More...
void | setBoundingBox (const drain::Rectangle< double > &bbox) |
| Sets bounding box in degrees in the target coordinate system.
void | setBoundingBoxD (double lonLL, double latLL, double lonUR, double latUR) |
| Sets bounding box in degrees in the target coordinate system.
void | setBoundingBoxD (const drain::Rectangle< double > &bboxD) |
| Sets bounding box in degrees in the target coordinate system.
void | setBoundingBoxR (double lonLL, double latLL, double lonUR, double latUR) |
| Sets bounding box in radians in the target coordinate system.
void | setBoundingBoxR (const drain::Rectangle< double > &bboxR) |
| Sets bounding box in radians in the target coordinate system.
void | setBoundingBoxM (double xLL, double yLL, double xUR, double yUR) |
| Sets bounding box in meters in the target coordinate system. More...
void | setBoundingBoxM (const drain::UniTuple< double, 4 > &bboxM) |
| Sets bounding box in meters in the target coordinate system.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & | getBoundingBoxDeg () const |
| Returns the geographical scope in Degrees.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & | getBoundingBoxNat () const |
| Returns the geographical scope in Meters.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & | getBoundingBoxRad () const |
| Returns the geographical scope in Radians.
void | getCenterPixel (drain::Rectangle< double > &pixelD) const |
double | getXScale () const |
| Return horizontal resolution of a pixel in meters (if metric) or degrees (if unprojected, "latlon").
double | getYScale () const |
| Return vertical resolution of a pixel in meters (if metric) or degrees (if unprojected, "latlon").
void | cropWithM (drain::Rectangle< double > &bboxM) |
| Crops the initial bounding box with a given bounding box.
void | cropWithM (double xLL, double yLL, double xUR, double yUR) |
| Crops the initial bounding box with a given bounding box. More...
virtual void | deg2pix (double lon, double lat, int &i, int &j) const |
| Projects geographic coordinates to image coordinates.
void | deg2pix (const drain::Point2D< double > &loc, drain::Point2D< int > &pix) const |
| Project geographic coordinates to image coordinates.
virtual void | deg2m (double lon, double lat, double &x, double &y) const |
| Convert metric coordinates to degrees.
void | deg2m (const drain::Point2D< double > &pDeg, drain::Point2D< double > &pMet) const |
virtual void | pix2deg (int i, int j, double &lon, double &lat) const |
| Calculates the geographic coordinates of the center of a pixel at (i,j).
virtual void | pix2rad (int i, int j, double &lon, double &lat) const |
| Calculates the geographic coordinates [rad] of the center of a pixel at (i,j).
void | pix2deg (const drain::Point2D< int > &pix, drain::Point2D< double > &loc) const |
| Calculates the geographic coordinates of the center of a pixel at (i,j).
virtual void | pix2LLdeg (int i, int j, double &lon, double &lat) const |
| Calculates the geographic coordinates of the lower left corner of a pixel at (i,j).
virtual void | m2deg (double x, double y, double &lon, double &lat) const |
| Convert metric coordinates to degrees.
virtual void | m2deg (const drain::Point2D< double > &pMetric, drain::Point2D< double > &pDeg) const |
| Convert metric coordinates to degrees.
virtual void | m2pix (double x, double y, int &i, int &j) const |
| Scales geographic map coordinates to image coordinates. More...
virtual void | m2pix (const drain::Point2D< double > &pMetric, drain::Point2D< int > &pImage) const |
virtual void | pix2m (int i, int j, double &x, double &y) const |
| Scales image coordinates (i,j) to geographic map coordinates (x,y) in the pixel centres. More...
virtual void | pix2m (const drain::Point2D< int > &pImage, drain::Point2D< double > &pMetric) const |
virtual void | pix2LLm (int i, int j, double &x, double &y) const |
| Scales image coordinates (i,j) to geographic map coordinates (x,y) of the lower left corner pixel. More...
void | setProjection (const std::string &projDef) |
| Sets the projection of the image as a Proj string.
void | setProjectionEPSG (int epsg) |
| Sets the projection of the image as a EPSG code.
void | updateProjection () |
| Updates bboxes, if needed.
const std::string & | getProjection () const |
| Returns the projection of the composite image as a proj4 std::string.
const std::string & | getCoordinateSystem () const |
| Returns the source projection (should be radian array, lon & lat).
const drain::Rectangle< double > & | getDataBBoxNat () const |
| Return the actual geographical boundingBox suggested by implied by input data.
const drain::Rectangle< double > & | getDataOverlapBBoxNat () const |
| Return the common overlapping geographical area (intersection) implied by input data.
void | updateDataExtentDeg (const drain::Rectangle< double > &inputBBoxDeg) |
| Extend to include this input. More...
void | updateDataExtentNat (const drain::Rectangle< double > &inputBBoxNat) |
bool | isLongLat () const |