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DRAIN_TREE_NAME< T, EXCLUSIVE, P > Class Template Reference

A templated class for directed rooted trees. More...

#include <Tree.h>

Collaboration diagram for DRAIN_TREE_NAME< T, EXCLUSIVE, P >:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

typedef drain::DRAIN_TREE_NAME< T, EXCLUSIVE, P > tree_t
typedef T node_data_t
typedef P path_t
typedef path_t::elem_t key_t
typedef path_t::elem_t path_elem_t
typedef std::pair< key_t, tree_tpair_t
typedef container_t::iterator iterator
typedef container_t::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef std::pair< key_t, node_data_t > node_pair_t
 Experimental. Given pair<elem, data> assigns child[elem] = data;.

Public Member Functions

typedef DRAIN_TREE_CONTAINER (key_t, tree_t) container_t
 Default constructor.
 DRAIN_TREE_NAME (const node_data_t &data)
 Copy constructor; copy only node data at the root.
 Copy constructor; copy only node data at the root.
virtual bool hasMultipleData () const
virtual const node_data_t & getData () const
virtual node_data_t & getData ()
virtual const node_data_t & getData (const key_t &key) const
virtual node_data_t & getData (const key_t &key)
container_t::const_iterator begin () const
 Child iterator pointing to the first child.
container_t::const_iterator end () const
 Child iterator pointing beyond the last child.
container_t::iterator begin ()
 Child iterator pointing to the first child.
container_t::iterator end ()
 Child iterator end.
tree_toperator= (const tree_t &t)
 Copies the data of another node. Does not copy the children. More...
template<class T2 >
tree_toperator= (const T2 &v)
 Assigns value to contents. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
tree_toperator= (std::initializer_list< std::pair< K, V > > l)
 Assign tree structure (of depth one). More...
tree_toperator= (std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, const Variable > > l)
 Assign tree structure (of depth one). More...
template<typename V >
tree_toperator= (const std::initializer_list< V > &l)
 Assign data. More...
tree_toperator<< (const node_pair_t &entry)
 Experimental. Given pair(elem, data) assigns child[elem] = data;.
 operator const node_data_t & () const
 operator node_data_t & ()
tree_toperator[] (const key_t &key)
 Child addressing operator.
const tree_toperator[] (const key_t &key) const
 Child addressing operator.
template<class K >
tree_toperator[] (const K &key)
 NEW 2025 templated child addressing operator. More...
template<class K >
const tree_toperator[] (const K &key) const
 NEW 2025 templated child addressing operator.
tree_toperator() (const path_t &path)
 Returns a descendant. Creates one if not existing already. More...
template<class S >
tree_toperator() (const S &arg)
 Returns a descendant. Creates one if not existing already. More...
tree_toperator() (const char *arg)
 Redirects the call to operator()(const std::string & arg) . More...
const tree_toperator() (const path_t &path) const
 Returns a descendant if that exists, else returns an empty node. Otherwise like non-const counterpart. More...
template<class S >
const tree_toperator() (const S &arg) const
 Returns a descendant if that exists, else returns an empty node. Otherwise like non-const counterpart.
const tree_toperator() (const char *arg) const
 Redirects the call to operator()(const std::string & arg) .
void clear ()
 Clear children and node data. More...
void clearData ()
void clearChildren ()
 Clears the children of this node. Does not clear data. More...
void erase (const path_t &path)
 Deletes a descendant node and hence its subtrees. More...
virtual const tree_tgetEmpty () const
virtual bool empty () const
 Check if the tree structure is empty.
bool hasChildren () const
virtual int hasChildren (const key_t &key) const
 The number of children with name key. More...
virtual bool hasChild (const key_t &key) const
 Check if the tree node has a direct descendant with name key. More...
template<typename K >
bool hasChild (const K &key) const
bool hasPath (const path_t &path) const
virtual tree_taddChild (const key_t &key=key_t())
 Add a child node. If unordered and UNIQUE, reuse existing nodes. More...
virtual tree_tretrieveChild (const key_t &key)
virtual const tree_tretrieveChild (const key_t &key) const
container_t & getChildren ()
 Returns the map containing the children. More...
const container_t & getChildren () const
 Returns the map containing the children.
const node_data_t * operator-> () const
 Fast access to data, applied widely in TreeXML (HTML/SVG)
node_data_t * operator-> ()
 Fast access to data, applied widely in TreeXML (HTML/SVG)
void swap (tree_t &t)
 Replace children (but no data?)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isExclusive ()
static bool isMulti ()
static bool isOrdered ()

Public Attributes

node_data_t data
 Contents (data) of the node.

Protected Member Functions

bool hasPath (typename path_t::const_iterator it, typename path_t::const_iterator eit) const
 "Default implementation" of key conversion – the identity mapping. More...
tree_tget (typename path_t::const_iterator it, typename path_t::const_iterator eit)
 Returns a descendant. Creates one, if not present.
const tree_tget (typename path_t::const_iterator it, typename path_t::const_iterator eit) const
 Given the descendant pointed to by a given path segment. More...

Protected Attributes

container_t children

Static Protected Attributes

static const tree_t emptyNode

Detailed Description

template<class T, bool EXCLUSIVE = false, class P = drain::Path<std::string,'/'>>

A templated class for directed rooted trees.

This file provides templates of for basic types of trees (directed rooted trees):

Template Parameters
T- node type, containing user-designed data implementing clear(), size() and empty() for future compatibility.
EXCLUSIVE- node can contains either data or children but not both (JSON-like convention)
P- applied path structure, like std::list – must implement empty() both for path and keys (path elements)


The nodes in a tree contain user defined data, the type of which is given as template T.

Currenty, data Concept is requires the following methods:

A tree is EXCLUSIVE, if a node contains either data or children. For example, a JSON tree is EXCLUSIVE and an XML tree is not (a tag can containg attributes (data) and inner tages (children).

Further, each type listed above has two variants:

Limitation: in OrderedTree the children are in a std::map, and threrefore each child of a node has a unique key. In UnorderedTree there may be children having the same key.


tree(<path>) return a descendant tree[<path_element>] returns childs only (complains separators, for some time)

Child nodes can be addressed with operator[] with std::string valued keys:

OrderedTree<std::string> tree;
t["first"] = "Hello!";
t["second"] = "Another greeting...";

As the operator[] returns a reference, it may be used recursively:

OrderedTree<std::string> & subTree1 = t["first"]["child"]["grandChild"];

Tree also recognizes a path separator, which is '/' by default. Hence, the node created in the above example could be likewise created or addressed as:

OrderedTree<std::string> & subTree = t("first/child/grandChild"); // equivalent

One may iterate the children directly:

for (auto & entry: tree){
std::cout << entry.first << ':' << entry.second << '\n';

Each node contains data of type T. It may be unused (empty), that is, a node can be used only as a branching point.

OrderedTree<std::string> t; = "Hello world";
std::string s = t; // Now contains "Hello world".

(Direct assignments to and from the node data has been supported, but is now disabled for c++ compatibility reasons.)

Also direct referencing of the node data is now disabled:

Tree<std::string> t;
t = "Hello world";
Tree<std::string> &r = t; // Refers to tree.
std::string &s = t; // Refers to data, "Hello world".

Obsolete: template C - path element comparison functor, should be compatible with Path<P>::key_t. #ifndef DRAIN_AMBIVALUE #define DRAIN_AMBIVALUE "0.1beta" template <class T, class K> class CombiValue { public:

typedef T data_t;
typedef K key_t;

T data; CONSIDER! But Hi5Node heavy?


/ True, if data is structured. virtual bool hasMultipleData() const = 0;

const data_t & getData() const = 0;

data_t & getData() = 0;

const data_t & getData(const key_t &) const = 0;

data_t & getData(const key_t &) = 0;

}; #endif

Template Parameters
K– key type
K– key type

Member Function Documentation

◆ addChild()

virtual tree_t& addChild ( const key_t &  key = key_t())

Add a child node. If unordered and UNIQUE, reuse existing nodes.

Behaviour of this function varies as follows:

  • OrderedTree: return child named key, if exists
  • UnorderedTree, UNIQUE==true: return the first child named key, if exists, else create one.
  • UnorderedTree, UNIQUE==false: always create a new child named key and return it.

◆ clear()

void clear ( )

Clear children and node data.

See also

◆ clearChildren()

void clearChildren ( )

Clears the children of this node. Does not clear data.

x *

See also

◆ clearData()

void clearData ( )

◆ erase()

void erase ( const path_t &  path)

Deletes a descendant node and hence its subtrees.

As opposite of clear() which focuses on a (current) node, this function refers to a descendant.

See also

◆ get()

const tree_t& get ( typename path_t::const_iterator  it,
typename path_t::const_iterator  eit 
) const

Given the descendant pointed to by a given path segment.

– descendant node, or the node itself if the path is empty.

◆ getChildren()

container_t& getChildren ( )

Returns the map containing the children.

This is useful for example for map::swap ?

◆ getEmpty()

virtual const tree_t& getEmpty ( ) const

GENERAL (independent from container type) Empty "default" node; typically initialized with empty data as well.

◆ hasChild()

virtual bool hasChild ( const key_t &  key) const

Check if the tree node has a direct descendant with name key.

A multiple tree may have more than one children with the same name. With them, consider hasChildren(const key_t &key) .

See also
– the number of children with name 'key'.

◆ hasChildren()

virtual int hasChildren ( const key_t &  key) const

The number of children with name key.

Checks how many immediate descendants with name key exist.

A multiple tree may have more than one children with the same name.

See also
OrderedMultiTree, UnorderedMultiTree

With simple trees, use the faster hasChild(const key_t &key).

See also
– the number of children with name 'key'.

◆ hasPath()

bool hasPath ( typename path_t::const_iterator  it,
typename path_t::const_iterator  eit 
) const

"Default implementation" of key conversion – the identity mapping.

Conversion of char array to key type, which itself should never be a char array. Mapping of keys of external type - for example an enumerated type - to native key_t type. Checks if there is a node with a given path name. Could be called hasDescendant; hence is like hasChild() but calls children recursively.

eit- end()

◆ operator()() [1/4]

tree_t& operator() ( const char *  arg)

Redirects the call to operator()(const std::string & arg) .

arg- by default, the path from the current node to the child node.

◆ operator()() [2/4]

tree_t& operator() ( const path_t &  path)

Returns a descendant. Creates one if not existing already.

path- the path from the current node to the child node.

This function, using native path_t type, should be reserved for this semantic by not redefining (specialising) this function in template classes.

◆ operator()() [3/4]

const tree_t& operator() ( const path_t &  path) const

Returns a descendant if that exists, else returns an empty node. Otherwise like non-const counterpart.

path- the path from the current node to the child node.

This function, using native path_t type, should be reserved for this semantic by not redefining (specialising) this function in template classes.

◆ operator()() [4/4]

tree_t& operator() ( const S &  arg)

Returns a descendant. Creates one if not existing already.

path- the path from the current node to the child node.

This function, not using native path_t type, can be redefined in template classes. For example, an important attribute can be set using this method. Method operator()(const char *arg) should be redefined to produce equivalent result with const string &arg.

◆ operator=() [1/5]

tree_t& operator= ( const std::initializer_list< V > &  l)

Assign data.

If init list elements are not pairs, assign it to node data.

2025/01 experimental.

◆ operator=() [2/5]

tree_t& operator= ( const T2 &  v)

Assigns value to contents.

Assigns a value to contents.

◆ operator=() [3/5]

tree_t& operator= ( const tree_t t)

Copies the data of another node. Does not copy the children.

Default use to reset a node (re-initialize its data).

◆ operator=() [4/5]

tree_t& operator= ( std::initializer_list< std::pair< const char *, const Variable > >  l)

Assign tree structure (of depth one).

Default implementation: assign new nodes (children).

Examples of overriding:

  • TreeXML::operator=()
  • TreeSVG::operator=()

◆ operator=() [5/5]

tree_t& operator= ( std::initializer_list< std::pair< K, V > >  l)

Assign tree structure (of depth one).

Default implementation: assign new nodes (children).

◆ operator[]()

tree_t& operator[] ( const K &  key)

NEW 2025 templated child addressing operator.

Allows using EnumDict enums as keys, for example.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: