The simplest possible anomaly removal operator and the base class for more complex ones.
| RemoverOp (double threshold=0.5) |
virtual void | processDataSets (const DataSetMap< PolarSrc > &srcVolume, DataSetMap< PolarDst > &dstVolume) const |
| NEW POLICY => DetectorOpNEW. More...
virtual void | processDataSet (const DataSet< PolarSrc > &srcDataSet, DataSet< PolarDst > &dstDataSet) const |
| Process as sweep (data in one elevation angle) More...
virtual void | processData (const Data< PolarSrc > &srcData, Data< PolarDst > &dstData) const |
| Cleaning a the data array of one quantity (measurement parameter). Called by processDataSet. More...
virtual void | processData (const PlainData< PolarSrc > &srcData, const PlainData< PolarSrc > &srcQuality, PlainData< PolarDst > &dstData, PlainData< PolarDst > &dstQIND) const |
| VolumeTraversalOp (const std::string &name, const std::string &description="") |
virtual void | traverseVolume (const Hi5Tree &src, Hi5Tree &dst) const |
| Base class for radar data processors. More...
virtual void | computeProducts (const DataSetMap< PolarSrc > &srcVolume, DataSetMap< PolarDst > &dstVolume) const |
| PolarProductOp (const std::string &name=__FUNCTION__, const std::string &description="") |
| PolarProductOp (const PolarProductOp &op) |
| VolumeOp (const std::string &name, const std::string &description="") |
virtual Hi5Tree & | processVolume (const Hi5Tree &src, Hi5Tree &dst) const final |
| Traverse through given volume and create new, processed data (volume or polar product). More...
| BinaryPixelVectorOp (const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
virtual void | process (const ImageFrame &src, Image &dst) const |
| Main interface. Typically splits processing to each channel. More...
virtual void | process (const ImageFrame &src1, const ImageFrame &src2, Image &dst) const |
virtual void | traverseChannels (const ImageTray< const Channel > &srcTray, ImageTray< Channel > &dstTray) const |
virtual void | traverseChannels (const ImageTray< const Channel > &src, const ImageTray< const Channel > &src2, ImageTray< Channel > &dst) const |
void | traverseFrame (const ImageFrame &src1, const ImageFrame &src2, ImageFrame &dst) const |
virtual void | getDstConf (const ImageConf &srcConf, ImageConf &dstConf) const |
| Given source image, determine respective dest image configuration. More...
virtual void | process (const ImageFrame &src, const ImageFrame &srcWeight, Image &dst, Image &dstWeight) const |
virtual void | process (const ImageTray< const Channel > &src, ImageTray< Image > &dst, bool checkOverlap=true) const |
| Run the operator on a series of images. Geometry and type may be changed. UNDER CONSTR. More...
virtual void | traverseChannel (const Channel &src, Channel &dst) const |
| Apply to single channel.
virtual void | traverseChannel (const Channel &src, const Channel &srcAlpha, Channel &dst, Channel &dstAlpha) const |
| Apply to single channel with alpha.
virtual void | makeCompatible (const ImageConf &src, Image &dst) const |
| Depending on the operator, modifies the geometry and type of dst. More...
virtual void | makeCompatible2 (const ImageFrame &src1, const ImageFrame &src2, Image &dst) const |
| Modifies the geometry and type of dst to fit the computation result.
virtual void | help (std::ostream &ostr=std::cout) const |
| Prints name, description and parameters using BeanLike::toOStr(). Virtual, so derived classes may extend output.
virtual int | srcAlpha () const |
| Tell if alpha channel(s) is required in input. More...
virtual void | process (Image &dst) const |
| Run this modifier for an image. More...
virtual void | traverseChannels (ImageTray< Channel > &dst) const |
| Run this modifier for a set of channels. More...
virtual void | traverseChannel (Channel &dst) const |
| Run this modifier for an image frame. More...
virtual void | traverseChannel (Channel &dst, Channel &dstAlpha) const |
| Run this modifier for an image frame. More...
virtual void | traverseChannels (ImageFrame &dst) const |
| Converts dst to ImageTray<Channel> and calls traverseFrame(ImageTray<Channel> &) .
virtual const std::string & | getName () const |
| Return the name of an instance.
virtual const std::string & | getDescription () const |
| Return a brief description.
bool | hasParameters () const |
template<class F > |
F | getParameter (const std::string &p) const |
| Gets a single parameter.
const ReferenceMap & | getParameters () const |
ReferenceMap & | getParameters () |
template<class F > |
void | setParametersFromEntries (const F &args) |
void | setParameters (std::initializer_list< Variable::init_pair_t > args) |
| Grants access to (if above hidden)
virtual void | setParameters (const std::string &p, char assignmentSymbol='=', char separatorSymbol=0) |
| Sets comma-separated parameters in a predetermined order "a,b,c" or by specifing them "b=2". More...
template<class T > |
void | setParameters (const std::map< std::string, T > &args) |
| Set parameters.
template<class T > |
void | setParameters (const SmartMap< T > &args) |
| Set parameters.
void | setParameter (const std::string &p, const Castable &value) |
| Sets a single parameter.
template<class T > |
void | setParameter (const std::string &p, const VariableT< T > &value) |
template<class F > |
void | setParameter (const std::string &p, const F &value) |
| Sets a single parameter. More...
template<class F > |
void | setParameter (const std::string &p, std::initializer_list< F > value) |
| Sets a single parameter.
BeanLike & | operator= (const BeanLike &b) |
virtual std::ostream & | toStream (std::ostream &ostr, bool compact=true) const |
| BeanLike (const BeanLike &b) |
| BeanLike (const std::string &name, const std::string &description="") |
| RemoverOp (const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from AndreOp |
| AndreOp (const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
| Generally, the whole data structure can be traversed. More...
virtual void | setGeometry (const PolarODIM &srcODIM, PlainData< PolarDst > &dstData) const |
void | collect (const Hi5Tree &src, Hi5Tree &dst) const |
void | copyPolarGeometry (const PolarODIM &srcODIM, PlainData< PolarDst > &dstData) const |
virtual void | deriveDstGeometry (const DataSetMap< PolarSrc > &srcSweeps, PolarODIM &dstOdim, bool MINIMISE_RSCALE=false) const |
| Based on input data, find geometry that maximises range and ray count. More...
virtual void | determineMetadata (const DataSetMap< PolarSrc > &srcSweeps, PolarODIM &dstOdim) const |
| Update timestamps etc. More...
| PixelVectorOp (const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
| ImageOp (const std::string &name=__FUNCTION__, const std::string &description="") |
| ImageOp (const ImageOp &op) |
virtual bool | processOverlappingWithTemp (const ImageFrame &src, Image &dst) const |
virtual bool | processOverlappingWithTemp (const ImageTray< const Channel > &src, ImageTray< Image > &dst) const |
bool | traverseOverlappingWithTemp (const Channel &src, Channel &dst) const |
bool | traverseOverlappingWithTemp (const Channel &src, const Channel &srcWeight, Channel &dst, Channel &dstWeight) const |
void | traverseChannelsEqually (const ImageTray< const Channel > &src, ImageTray< Channel > &dst) const |
| Calls processWithTemp() if the frames overlap. More...
void | traverseChannelsRepeated (const ImageTray< const Channel > &src, ImageTray< Channel > &dst) const |
| Recycle channels until all dst channels completed.
void | traverseChannelsSeparately (const ImageTray< const Channel > &src, ImageTray< Channel > &dst) const |
| Process each (src,dst) channel pair independently. Raise error if their counts differ. More...
void | traverseAsChannelTrays (const ImageFrame &src, ImageFrame &dst) const |
| Redirect to processing as trays. This is the opposite of processChannels...() functions.
void | traverseAsChannelTrays (const ImageFrame &src, const ImageFrame &srcWeight, ImageFrame &dst, ImageFrame &dstWeight) const |
| Redirect to processing as trays. This is the opposite of processChannels...() functions.
virtual void | initializeParameters (const ImageFrame &src, const ImageFrame &dst) const |
| Set applicable internal parameters before calling traverse().
virtual void | initializeParameters (const ImageFrame &src, const ImageFrame &src2, const ImageFrame &dst) const |
| Set applicable internal parameters before calling traverse().
| ImageMod (const std::string &name=__FUNCTION__, const std::string &description="") |
| ImageMod (const ImageMod &op) |
virtual void | processChannelsSeparately (ImageTray< Channel > &dst) const |
| Run this modifier by calling traverseChannel(Channel &) for each image.
virtual void | initialize (Image &dst) const |
| Modifies the geometry and the type of dst such that traverseChannel(Channel &) can be called.
virtual void | initializeAlpha (const Image &srcAlpha, Image &dstAlpha) const |
| Modifies the geometry and the type of dst such that traverseChannel(Channel &) can be called.
virtual void | storeLastArguments (const std::string &p) |
| Called after setParameters()
virtual void | updateBean () const |
| Called after setParameters()
The simplest possible anomaly removal operator and the base class for more complex ones.
Sets data values to nodata
in locations where quality is below minDBZ. This should apply to any quantity.
TODO: add minus-dbz range down to e.g. -25?