This page lists all the commands of Rack. The lists have been generated automatically using command-line help of the current version.
General commands
Anomaly detection and removal
Rack - a radar data processing program
Section: andre
--aAttenuation <reflHalfWidth>,<c>,<p>,<c2>,<p2>
Computes attenuation and converts it to probability
--aBiomet <reflMax>,<maxAltitude>,<reflDev>,<devAltitude>
Detects birds and insects.
--aBird <dbzPeak>,<vradDevMin>,<rhoHVmax>,<zdrAbsMin>,<windowWidth>,<windowHeight>
Estimates bird probability from DBZH, VRAD, RhoHV and ZDR.
--aCCor <threshold>,<mask>
Detects clutter. Based on difference of DBZH and TH. At halfwidth PROB=0.5. Universal.
--aClutter <decay>,<gamma>,<quantity>,<file>
Reads a ground clutter map and scales it to sweeps.
--aDamper <threshold>,<undetectThreshold>,<minValue>
Removes anomalies with fuzzy deletion operator.
--aDefault <probability>
Marks the data values as unclassified, with high probability
--aDefaultQuality <threshold>
Quality index value below which also CLASS information will be updated.
--aDopplerNoise <speedDevThreshold>,<windowWidth>,<windowHeight>
Detects suspicious variance in Doppler speed (VRAD).
--aEmitter <lengthMin>,<thicknessMax>,<sensitivity>
Detects electromagnetic interference segments by means of window medians.
--aGapFill <width>,<height>,<qualityThreshold>
Removes low-quality data with gap fill based on distance transformation.
--aGapFillRec <width>,<height>,<loops>
Recursive, 'splinic' gap filler.
--aHydroClassBased <nonMet>,<NOMET>
Sets probabilities of non-meteorological echoes based on precomputed hydrometeor CLASS.
--aInsect <dbzPeak>,<vradDevMax>,<rhoHVmax>,<zdrAbsMin>,<windowWidth>,<windowHeight>
Estimates probability from DBZH, VRAD, RhoHV and ZDR.
--aJamming <smoothnessThreshold>,<distanceMin>,<refit>
Detects broad lines caused by electromagnetic interference. Intensities should be smooth, increasing by distance.
--aNonMet <threshold>,<windowWidth>,<windowHeight>,<medianPos>
Detects clutter. Based on dual-pol parameter RhoHV . Optional postprocessing: morphological closing. Universal.
--aPrecip <probMax>,<dbz>,<dbzSpan>
Detects precipitation...
Combines detection probabilities to overall quality field QIND (and CLASS).
--aRemover <threshold>,<replace>,<clearQuality>
Simple anomaly removal operator.
--aShip <reflMin>,<reflDev>,<windowWidth>,<windowHeight>
Detects ships based on their high absolute reflectivity and local reflectivity difference.
--aSpeckle <threshold>,<area>,<invertPolar>
Detects speckle noise. Universal: uses DBZ data as input, applies to all data in a sweep group.
--aSun <beamWidth>,<sensitivity>
Draw the sun beam
--aTest <value>,<prob>,<i>,<j>
Create rectangular fake anomaly (value) and 'detect' it with desired probability (prob).
--aTime <time>,<decayPast>,<decayFuture>
Created quality field based on measurement time for each beam.
--aUniversal <unversal>
Toggle the support for universal ie. Dataset-wide quality indices.
For help on a commands, type:
--help <command>
For help on command sections, type:
--help [general|trigger|images|andre|science|products|accumulation|cart|imageOps|all]
Meteorological products
Rack - a radar data processing program
Section: products
--pBeamAltitude <aboveSeaLevel>
Computes the altitude at each bin
--pBiomet <reflMax>,<maxAltitude>,<reflDev>,<devAltitude>
Detects birds and insects.
--pBird <dbzPeak>,<vradDevMin>,<rhoHVmax>,<zdrAbsMin>,<windowWidth>,<windowHeight>
Estimates bird probability from DBZH, VRAD, RhoHV and ZDR.
--pCappi <altitude>,<aboveSeaLevel>,<beamWidth>,<weightMin>,<accumulationMethod>
Constant-altitude planar position indicator
--pClutter <decay>,<gamma>,<quantity>,<file>
Reads a ground clutter map and scales it to sweeps.
--pConv <maxEchoThreshold>,<cellDiameter>,<echoTopThreshold>,<echoTopDBZ>,<smoothAzm>,<smoothRad>
Computes the probability of convection based on fuzzy cell intensity, area and height.
--pDopplerAvg <width>,<height>,<threshold>,<compensate>,<relativeScale>
Smoothens Doppler field, providing quality
--pDopplerAvgExp <decay>,<horzExtension>,<vertExtension>
Doppler field smoother with exponential decay weighting
--pDopplerCrawler <nyquist>,<threshold>
Creates virtual
--pDopplerDev <width>,<height>,<threshold>,<compensate>,<relativeScale>
Computes[m/s] of Doppler field
--pDopplerDiff <dMax>
Azimuthal difference of VRAD
--pDopplerDiffPlotter <azm>,<range>,<ray>,<bin>
Plots differences in VRAD data as fucntion of azimuth
--pDopplerEccentricity <width>,<height>,<threshold>,<compensate>
Magnitude of mean unit circle mapped Doppler speeds
--pDopplerInversion <width>,<height>,<altitudeWeight>
Derives 2D wind (u,v) from aliased Doppler data.
--pDopplerReproject <nyquist>,<match>,<quantity>
Creates virtual
--pDopplerSampler <azm>,<range>,<ray>,<bin>
Projects Doppler speeds to unit circle. Window corners as (azm,range) or (ray,bin)
--pDrawing <shape>,<p1>,<p2>,<p3>,<p4>,<marker>
Visualise a direction[azm,r,r2], range[r,r2], sector[azm,azm2,r,r2] or arc[azm,azm2,r].
--pEchoTop <threshold>,<reference>,<undetectValue>,<weights>,<weightDecay>,<avgWindow>,<EXTENDED>
Estimates maximum altitude of given reflectivity
--pEchoTopOpOld <minDBZ>,<dbzReference>,<altitudeReference>,<aboveSeaLevel>
Computes maximum (or minimum) altitude of echo.
--pFunctor <ftor>
Maps values using a function
--pMaxEcho <altitude>,<accumulationMethod>
Computes maximum dBZ inside altitude range
--pOutputQuantity <productCmd>
Return default outout quantity
--pPolarSlidingAvg <width>,<height>,<threshold>,<invertPolar>
Smoothen polar data
--pPseudoRhi <az_angle>,<xsize>,<ysize>,<range>,<height>,<beamWidth>,<beamPowerThreshold>
Computes vertical intersection in a volume in the beam direction.
Estimates precipitation rate [mm/h] from reflectance [dBZ].
--pRainRateDP <dbz>,<zdr>,<rhohv>,<kdp>
Precip. rate [mm/h] from dual-pol using fuzzy thresholds. Alg. by Brandon Hickman
--pSunShine <timestamp>,<quantity>
Computes the sun position
--pSweep <quantity>,<index>
Return a single sweep
--pVerticalProfile <range>,<height>,<levels>,<azm>,<azSlots>
Computes vertical dBZ distribution in within range [minRange,maxRange] km.
For help on a commands, type:
--help <command>
For help on command sections, type:
--help [general|trigger|images|andre|science|products|accumulation|cart|imageOps|all]
Compositing and Cartesian products
Rack - a radar data processing program
Section: cart
Adds the current product to the composite.
--cAddWeighted <weight>
Adds the current product to the composite applying weight.
--cBBox <llLon>,<llLat>,<urLon>,<urLat>
Bounding box of the Cartesian product.
Resets the bounding box (to be set again according to the next radar data).
--cBBoxTest <mode>
Tests whether the radar range is inside the composite.
--cBBoxTile <llLon>,<llLat>,<urLon>,<urLat>
Redefines bbox and compositing array size for several radars, applying original projection and resolution. See --cSize, --cBBox, --cProj.
--cCreate, -c
Maps the current polar product to a Cartesian product.
Creates lookup objects
--cCreateSun <timestamp>
Cartesian sun shine field.
Maps the current polar product to a tile to be used in compositing.
--cDecayTime <time>
Delay half-time in minutes. 0=no decay
--cDefaultQuality <weight>
Set default quality (for data without quality field)
--cExtract <channels>:<bbox>
Extract (export) data from the internal accumulation array
--cGrid <lonSpacing>,<latSpacing>,<width>,<intensity>
Draw lat-lon grid onto a Cartesian product.
Allocate memory to --cSize, applying --target and --select, if set.
--cMethod <method>
Method to be used in accumulating the (weighted) values.
--cOpticalFlow <width>,<resize>,<threshold>,<spread>,<smooth>
Optical flow computed based on differential accumulation layers.
--cPlot <lon>,<lat>,<x>,<w>
Add a single data point.
--cPlotFile <file>
Plot file containing rows '<lat> <lon> <value> [weight] (skipped...)'.
--cProj <projstr>
Set projection
--cRange <range>
Force a range for single-radar cartesian products (0=use-metadata).
Clears the current Cartesian product.
--cSize <width>,<height>
Set size of the compositing array. Does not allocate memory.
--cSpread <horz>,<vert>,<loops>
Set Spread of the compositing array. OBSOLETE. Use --iDistanceTransformFill(Exp) instead
--cTime <time>
Modify the time of the current composite. See --cTimeDecay
--cTimeDecay <weight>
Weight (0.9...1.0) of delay, per minute. 1.0=no decay. See --cTime and --cDecayTime
For help on a commands, type:
--help <command>
For help on command sections, type:
--help [general|trigger|images|andre|science|products|accumulation|cart|imageOps|all]
Basic image commands
Rack - a radar data processing program
Section: images
--geoTiff <tile>,<compression>
GeoTIFF tile size. Deprecating?, use --outputConf tif:tile=<width>:<height>,compression=LZW
--iPhysical <physical>
Flag. Handle intensities as physical quantities instead of storage typed values.
Copies data to a separate image object. Encoding can be changed with --target .
Adds a transparency channel. Implies additional image, creates one if needed. See --encoding
--imageBox <i>,<j>,<value>
Set intensity at (i:i2,j:j2) to (f1,f2,f3,...).
--imageFlatten <bgcolor>
Removes a alpha (transparency) channel. Adds a new background of given color.
--imagePhysical <physical>
Flag. Handle intensities as physical quantities instead of storage typed values.
--imageQuality <groups>
Applied parent groups for quality: dataset:data
--imageTransp <ftor>,<undetect>,<nodata>
Adds a transparency channel. Uses copied image, creating one if needed.
--legendOut <filename>
Save palette as TXT, JSON or SVG.
--outputRawImages, -O <filename>
Output datasets to png files named filename[NN].ext.
--palette <filename>
Load and apply palette.
--paletteConf <key>,<code>,<lenient>
Check status of palette(s).
--paletteIn <filename>
Load palette.
--paletteOut <filename>
Save palette as TXT, JSON or SVG.
--paletteRefine <count>
Refine colors
--plot <i,j,...>
For help on a commands, type:
--help <command>
For help on command sections, type:
--help [general|trigger|images|andre|science|products|accumulation|cart|imageOps|all]
Image operators
Rack - a radar data processing program
Section: imageOps
--iAdd <scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Adds values
--iAverage <width>
Window averaging with optional weighting support.
--iBlender <width>,<spreader>,<mix>,<loops>,<expansionCoeff>
Smoothes image repeatedly, mixing original image with the result at each round.
--iCatenate <scale>,<offset>
Catenates images
--iCopy <dstView>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Copies current view to: f=full image, i=image channels, a=alpha channel(s), 0=1st, 1=2nd,...
--iCrop <width>,<height>,<i>,<j>
Crop image.
--iDistance <functor>
Computes the distance of pixel vectors. Post-scaling with desired functor.
--iDistanceTransform <width>,<height>,<topology>
Linearly decreasing intensities - applies decrements.
--iDistanceTransformExp <width>,<height>,<topology>
Exponentially decreasing intensities. Set half-decay radii.
--iDistanceTransformFill <width>,<height>,<topology>,<alphaThreshold>
Spreads intensities linearly up to distance defined by alpha channel.
--iDistanceTransformFillExp <width>,<height>,<topology>,<alphaThreshold>
Spreads intensities exponentially up to distance defined by alpha intensities.
--iDiv <scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Rescales intensities linerarly
--iFloodFill <location>,<intensity>,<value>
Fills an area starting at (i,j) having intensity in [min,max], with a value.
--iFlowAverage <width>
Window average that preserves the magnitude
--iFuzzyBell <location>,<width>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Fuzzy bell function.
--iFuzzyBell2 <location>,<width>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Fuzzy Gaussian-like bell function.
--iFuzzyStep <position>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Fuzzy step function.
--iFuzzyStepsoid <location>,<width>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Fuzzy step function
--iFuzzyTriangle <position>,<peakPos>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Fuzzy triangle function.
--iFuzzyTwinPeaks <location>,<width>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Fuzzy function of two peaks.
--iGamma <gamma>,<LIMIT>
Gamma correction for brightness.
--iGaussianAverage <width>,<radius>
Gaussian blur implemented as quick Wx1 and 1xH filtering.
--iGradient <radius>,<LIMIT>
Computes horizontal and vertical derivatives: df/di and df/dj.
--iGradientHorz <radius>,<LIMIT>
Horizontal intensity difference
--iGradientVert <radius>,<LIMIT>
Vertical intensity difference
--iGray <coeff>,<normalize>
Convert multi-channel image to single. Post-scaling with desired functor.
--iHighBoost <width>,<height>,<coeff>
Mixture of original and high-pass filtered image
--iHighPass <width>,<height>,<scale>,<offset>,<LIMIT>
High-pass filter for recognizing details.
--iImpulseAvg <decay>,<extendHorz>,<extendVert>,<weightThreshold>
Infinite-impulse response type spreading
--iLaplace <radius>,<LIMIT>
Second intensity derivatives, (df/di)^2 and (df/dj)^2
--iLaplaceHorz <radius>,<LIMIT>
Second horizontal differential
--iLaplaceVert <radius>,<LIMIT>
Second vertical differential
--iMagnitude <functor>
Computes the magnitude of a pixel vector. Post-scaling with desired functor.
--iMarginStat <mode>,<stat>,<medianPos>
Computes statistics on <horz> or <vert> lines: iAverage,sum,median,stdDev,variance,miN,maX
Maximum of two values.
--iMedian <width>,<percentage>,<bins>
A pipeline implementation of window median.
Minimum of two values.
--iMix <coeff>,<scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Rescales intensities linerarly
--iMul <scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Rescales intensities linerarly
--iMultiThreshold <range>,<min>,<max>
Change values outside given range to target.min and target.max
Invert values (unsigned char or unsigned short int)
--iProduct <functor>
Computes the dot product of pixel vectors. Post-scaling with desired functor.
--iQualityMixer <coeff>
Weighted blending of two images.
--iQualityOverride <advantage>,<decay>
Compares two images, preserving pixels having higher alpha value. Src alpha is pre-multiplied with advantage.
--iQualityThreshold <threshold>,<replace>
Threshold data with quality
--iQuantizator <bits>,<LIMIT>
Quantize to n bits. (For integer images)
--iRemap <fromValue>,<toValue>,<LIMIT>
Rescales intensities linerarly
--iRescale <scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Rescales values linerarly: y = scale*x + bias
--iResize <width>,<height>,<interpolation>,<scale>
Resize geometry and scale intensities
--iRunLengthHorz <threshold>
Computes lengths of segments of intensity above threshold.
--iRunLengthVert <threshold>
Computes lengths of segments of intensity above threshold.
--iSegmentArea <intensity>,<functor>
Computes segment sizes.
--iSegmentStats <statistics>,<intensity>,<functor>
Segment statistics: area, mx, my, variance, slimness, horizontality, verticality, elongation
--iSub <scale>,<bias>,<LIMIT>
Subtracts values
--iSuperProber <threshold>,<filename>,<debug>
Hierarchical segment prober
--iThreshold <threshold>,<replace>,<LIMIT>
Resets values lower than a threshold
--iThresholdBinary <threshold>,<replace>,<replaceHigh>,<LIMIT>
Resets values lower and higher than a threshold
Flips image matrix around its corner.
--iWindowHistogram <width>,<valueFunc>,<percentage>,<bins>
A pipeline implementation of window histogram; valueFunc=[asmdvNX] (avg,sum,median,stddev,variance,miN,maX)
For help on a commands, type:
--help <command>
For help on command sections, type:
--help [general|trigger|images|andre|science|products|accumulation|cart|imageOps|all]